Grow out of Scarcity Mindset to an Abundance Mindset

Grow out of Scarcity Mindset to an Abundance Mindset


We live in a world where a scarcity mindset is rewarded.

And the main reason is due to a blend of ignorance & herd mentality.


When people are uninformed on something, they go with the herd.

Group thinking is a powerful force & can suck up even the sharpest of intellects.


Why does this happen?

Because groupthink does not come down to intellect.

It comes down to emotions.


The sharpest minds with poor emotional resilience are not capable of standing up to the conflict.

Emotions make up a large part of our reality, and undermining them is a foolish choice.


On the flip side, a sharp mind PLUS emotional resilience creates a powerful presence.

A scarcity mindset can now be approached from the lens of whole, rather than a fragmented version of you.


Scarcity mindset regarding the wrong things will create fear, anxiety & a loss of hope.

Luckily, the mind can be warped like PlayDoh when we place importance on the correct information.


What is Scarcity Mindset & is it Bad?


Scarcity mindset is not bad when it is applied in the right context.

Scarcity mindset is thinking there is not enough of a certain resource.


This is a good mindset in regards to time.

Ambitious people have a scarcity mindset regarding time.

-Procrastinators have an abundance mindset regarding time.


For procrastinators, they think they have ALL the time in the world.

This foolish mistake has them postponing their dreams, not understanding the volatility of nature.


So scarcity mindset applied to the right context is a game-changer.

However, to be able to SPOT the right context requires self-awareness.


You need to understand the narrative that you are following & creating in your life in regards to spotting the right context.

And that’s what trips up many people.


When a Scarcity Mindset is Used Incorrectly


The unfortunate truth is that most humans use the scarcity mindset incorrectly.

Rather than applying this mindset to time…

They apply it to:





When you apply a scarcity mindset to people, you become a people pleaser.

Thinking that everyone needs to be served. So you become submissive and act like a doormat.


When someone thinks opportunities are scarce, they develop the:

“Why even bother?” mentality.

Taking themselves out of the race even before they begin.


And scarcity mindset regarding ideas is one of the saddest.

This creates plagiarizers and an abundance of critics.


We have a lot of critics in this world.

However, we only have a few creators.


The reason?

Applying a scarcity mindset in the wrong context.


Growing out of a Scarcity Mindset


What is leveling up & all forms of self-improvement geared towards?

It’s geared towards us humans building our awareness.


And what constitutes ‘building our awareness.’

When we feel whole.

And what allows us to ‘feel whole?’

When we can confidently spot which moments need to be met with a scarcity mindset & which moments need to be met with an abundance mindset.


That’s what it really comes down to.


Say you are a people pleaser right now.

Not only are you making yourself uncomfortable in the interaction…

You’re also making the other person uncomfortable as well.


Humans place a big importance on body language & energy.

A people pleaser is jittery & throws off the vibe (vibrations).


Well, imagine that after engaging in multiple social interactions, you come to obtain an abundance mindset regarding humans.

In this case, you don’t treat every interaction like it’s the last.


With this mentality, all parties win.

You get a more relaxed version of yourself.

The other person gets to feel your natural aura.

The vibrations are now congruent.


Growing out of a scarcity mindset requires knowledge & experience.

Knowledge in motion = Experience.


Many have neither.

Some have knowledge.

But few have knowledge & experience.

Here’s how you Graduate…


Building an Abundance Mindset



You don’t need too much knowledge to get started.

All you need to do is look in the mirror.


Ask yourself:

-Am I fearful?

-Do I get jealous when someone wins?

-Do I feel like there aren’t opportunities for me?


By answering these questions honestly, you develop self-knowledge.

And this self-knowledge will show that you have a scarcity mindset…for now.


The next step is to decide that you will develop an abundance mindset.

This decision is what starts the process of building renewed neural pathways, which will lead to a new mind.


What next?

It’s a game of creating a personalized network for yourself.

1. Create a network

2. Learn the lessons of building the network.

Let’s discuss both.


1. Create a Network


A network consists of:

  • Nodes = individual units
  • Links = how the nodes are uniquely connected


A few examples of networks include your social media following, family unit, business, a YouTube channel, a calculator, a journal, etc.


A calculator for example includes:

Nodes: buttons, screen, wires, battery, plastic encasing.

Links: all the units are combined to create the final output of a calculator.


It doesn’t matter what type of network you create.

The point is that you create one.


The process of creating your own personalized network transforms you from within.

You come out a different person than you entered.

Well, as long as you follow the next step…


2. Learn the Lessons of Building the Network


Don’t just stop at creating a network.

Learn ALL the lessons that you possibly can in your developmental journey.

This point is crucial.


Earlier, I stated how crucial awareness was in the game of leveling up and self-development.

Well, here’s the thing…


The more you make yourself aware of all the lessons of the network, the more you become a network thinker.

– A network thinker is equivalent to an abundance mentality.

– And a network thinker is also equivalent to someone who see’s the bigger picture.


You grow out of being a node thinker.


All people who are heavily scarcity-minded only factor themselves when making decisions.

They fail to see the bigger picture.

Which causes them to be fearful & egotistical.


During your journey of spotting the nodes in the network that you created, you’ll notice how each part ties into something GRAND.

This perspective unlocks a brand new philosophy in terms of life for you!

You’ll see when it’s smart to be scarcity-minded regarding certain resources & when it’s smarter to be abundant minded.


Evolving out of Scarcity


The purpose of life is to grow.

How we grow is dependent on our individualized journeys.


However, many individuals place little to no importance on growth.

And this causes them to blindly follow the herd.


The herd becomes formed thru the baseline philosophy of a scarcity mentality.

The general herd of course.


In this world, there are good herds as well.

These herds become formed when like minds & grand thinkers attract one another.

In this herd, each member helps one another in the growth process.

This herd is formed thru the baseline philosophy of abundance.


An abundance mindset allows you to see the entire picture, while others simply see the dots.

The inner transformation is happening when the emotions you generally feel are:


– Joyful.

– Hopeful.


This mindset renews your inner fire day by day.

A scarcity-minded attitude to life will become a thing of the past.


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– ArmaniTalks 🎙️🔥


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