Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset


Look around you. There are multiple different types of personality.

The different personalities of others can play a role in your life.


‘Why will someone else’s personality play a role in MY life?’

Because we are an interconnected species.

Always communicating in one form or another.


Even tasks that you physically do alone, can be mentally connected to someone else.

For example: reading this blog.


With this blog, you may be reading it solo at your crib.

But as you are engaged with it mentally, you and I are officially in communication.

Therefore, my personality has some effect on your reality.


The question is, what kind of personality do I have?

Fixed vs growth mindset?


These 2 mindsets are fundamental in defining the personality of a human.

And if you often find 2 people not getting along, you’ll typically see a lot of answers based on the mentality they possess.


In this article, I am going to share the differences between fixed mindset vs growth mindset & who the future belongs to.


Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset


What is a Mindset?


A mindset is simply a word.

And when you first think of it, you probably think of it only entailing the mind.


Let me clarify what mindset means by sharing what it DOESN’T mean.

What it doesn’t mean is someone who is intellectually gifted.

That is only one facet of mindset.


In reality, a mindset consists of 3 factors.

  • Thoughts
  • Emotions
  • Behavior


And when all these 3 are congruent towards a higher goal, you end up elevating your consciousness.

Consciousness is always a part of us.

But you build a stronger connection to it as your mindset elevates.


‘How do we define what is a strong mindset & what is a weak mindset?’

Unfortunately, WE can’t.

Only YOU can.


The life goals & desires you have for your particular life will dictate your perception regarding a mindset.

However, I just wanted to give you the 3 elementary components of a mindset.


Ask yourself if you are in control of your thoughts, emotions & behavior to a certain degree or if those elements control you.

The mindset of a human creates their personality.

And the personality creates personal reality.


What is a Fixed Mindset?


This is the sort of individual who believes everything is set.

From their level of intellect, skillset, beliefs, etc.


You can spot fixed mindsets from a mile away.

They believe self-education is a finite process.

Which means they have stopped learning.

And when you stop learning, you begin doubling down on preexisting beliefs.


It’s hard to change this group’s mind once they have a belief about a certain field.

And since their mind is closed off, they refuse to get new information on the topic.

A lot of their beliefs are tied right into their ego.


So if you DO prove to them that they were wrong about a certain topic with facts, then they will often feel like you are attacking their character.

This isn’t always the case, but often is.


Fixed mindset individuals also happen to be a victim of their circumstances.

They do not place much priority on the effect of their habits & free will.


What is a Growth Mindset?


A growth mindset is the mentality of individuals who have delved into the self-improvement journey.

They seek new information, habits & thought patterns.


If you see someone with a growth mindset, you’ll notice them constantly evolving.

How they were a month ago is a distant past to who they are now.

And this is a GOOD thing for the person with a growth mindset.


They take pride in their habits.

And I mean a lot of pride.

They understand that small changes in habits in the right direction have the ability to lead to an emergent property of a winner’s personality.


You’ll notice that this group is typically more poised than their counter, the fixed mindset.

They constantly seek out new information and modes of thinking.


But despite actively studying more than the fixed mindset group, you’ll never hear this group act like they know everything.

Because they have learned that the more they learn, the more they can still learn.


Mindset, Programmer, Machine Learning, Brain, Mind


Fixed Mindset or Growth Mindset?


‘Fixed mindset vs growth mindset …So which one is better? ‘

It’s a no brainer which mindset is better.

Growth, obviously.


But truth be told, I sometimes wonder why so many humans became a fixed mindset?

And that’s when I traced back to school.


During school, they passed off this shitty exam known as the IQ test where they tried to imply that your intellect was fixed.

Complete bullshit.


Neuroscience states that your brain is plastic and is capable of installing new neural pathways and weakening old neural pathways.

The 2 key components of lifelong learning?

Desire & repetition.


I don’t think it’s natural for humans to be a fixed mindset.

It’s very abnormal.


You don’t see a little child who thinks they have it all figured out.

Instead, they are curious beyond measures.

The curiosity fuels imagination, and the imagination fuels action.


How To Adopt the Growth Mindset


We used to hear:

  • You become what you eat.


To add onto that, I would also say:

  • You become what you consume.


The information that you consume plays a big role in your life.

And the consumption of information isn’t just the type of books that you read.


It’s also the people that you hang out with.

The thoughts that you entertain.

And content that you feed your attention to.


If you want to start your journey towards leveling up, then you need to get the right information.

You don’t know what you don’t know, I get it.


But in the Information Age, ignorance is a choice.

My recommendation?

Begin with the free resources.


You have blogs, YouTube videos, podcasts.

If you don’t know where to begin, just follow one of your self-improvement curiosities.


For me, I got really curious about mediation one day.

And little did I know, I started a journey towards learning about other topics like neuroscience, emotional intelligence, storytelling, public speaking, etc.

You never know where the path can take you.


But don’t just be consuming away.

Apply the knowledge that you are gaining.


If you are going to learn about meditation, then meditate as well.

Start small & work your way up.


Once you have installed 1 new habit that you self educated yourself on, that’s when the game changes.

That’s when you WAKE UP from the mindset of a fixed individual & realize your true potential.


When you gradually come towards the mindset of someone who is a growth mentality, you start wondering what took you so long.

But no need to judge, my friend.

Unfortunately, some people never find their way to the light.


Growth Mindsets Pay It Forward


School, Teacher, Education, Asia, Cambodia, Kids, Class


One of the biggest things to realize is that someone with a growth mindset doesn’t get complacent.

That doesn’t mean that they are always hustling away.

Instead, they constantly strive to improve while enjoying the process.


The second that you think you know it all is the second that you begin your journey to lose it all.


Once you have learned & adopted a new mindset, pay it forward.


Start teaching others or spreading your information out.

Show others the light as well.


The more that you teach others, the more that you are able to solidify pre-existing growth neural pathways & install a few new neural pathways as well.

Teaching others is a workout for your brain.

And a challenging one at that.


Luckily, the growth never stops.

Good habits compound.

And you become unrecognizable for the best.


Ditch the ways of the fixed mindset.

They will realize the error in their ways by witnessing the growth in your ways.


– ArmaniTalks 🎙️🔥


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