Unleashing your Inner Prolific Writer
An artist must create.
And an artist must create, a lot.
One of the biggest problems with creator’s is thinking too much.
They want everything to be perfect.
Procrastination will never get you started
And perfectionism will never get you finished.
Wanting to be perfect is tough because we fear judgment.
‘What if they don’t like what we have to say?’
This causes us to overthink and edit nonstop.
It’s time to shed that mentality away.
Study great artists.
Study great writers.
‘Their main tip?
They created…A LOT.
We all have a Prolific Writer buried within us.
And today, I will be giving you some tips in order to get into the right mindset.
Why Be Prolific?
We know Ed Sheeran as an amazing singer.
He has been putting out hit after hits such as Shape of you, Galway Girl, South of the Border etc.
But what made him so great?
He said when he first started singing, he was AWFUL.
When he said he was bad, the guy interviewing him would not believe it.
Luckily, Ed had tapes of his old work.
So he proceeded to play his old singing tapes to the interviewer and the audience.
Everyone was SHOCKED to hear how Ed Sheeran used to sound.
Fascinated at this point, the interviewer asked what was his secret to becoming such an amazing artist?
Ed Sheeran’s response? Create a lot.
He also gave a brilliant analogy that made so much sense.
He talked about a water faucet that is spitting out dirty water.
At first, the water faucet’s water is dirty, yes.
But if you leave the faucet running long enough, the dirty water will start to be worked out.
And clean water will start to take its place.
That’s how he described his creative process.
At first, it’s a VERY bumpy ride.
But after more work and practice, the ride eventually becomes smooth.
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The Prolific Mindset
What did Ed Sheeran’s insights teach you?
Because if you were to ask me, it showed me the importance of putting in your reps.
That’s all everything comes down to.
In order to be a Prolific Writer, you need to put in your reps with your writing.
It’s not just about ‘discovering your voice.’
That’s a byproduct.
It’s about ‘creating your voice’ so discovering just naturally happens.
When you first begin writing, everything feels awkward.
You feel A LOT of tension.
And the tension is you thinking whether or not you’re doing it “right.”
Other parts of the tension can be you not having anything interesting to say…
Wrong bud.
We all have interesting stuff to say.
Adopting the life of the Proflic Writer is mentality first, behavior second.
You don’t just become prolific if you think it’s impossible.
That’s going in with a sour attitude.
Just know that writing skills are just that. A skill.
The more you practice, the more you create new neural pathways that make writing a second nature.
Having a Content Creation Scheule
A big part of creativity is unpredictability.
If you could predict everything that someone was going to say…
Would that be creative?
‘Haha, no.’
But another part of creativity is having a level of predictability.
Have predictable time slots where you give yourself the permission to be unpredictable.
‘Why bother with a content creation schedule?’
Because having time slots allows you to take writing more seriously.
When you have a set time slot, you condition yourself to be in the zone.
What kills a lot of Prolific Writers is that their mind is elsewhere.
They think about resting when they should be creating.
They think about creating when they should be resting.
Instead, block away times write.
You don’t have to be too strict with the times.
Having a rough estimate is a good start.
For me, I write 10 tweets every morning.
1 email to my email subscribers in the evening, so it’s ready to be released at 7 pm.
A blog every Sunday, Wednesday, and Saturday.
I don’t have exact time slots.
Although that would help.
For the time being, I have the days set up & a rough gist of when to create based on the day.
I typically like to write in the morning so I get it done early on.
You never know what can occur in your day.
If you are serious about the skillset, then do it earlier on in the day.
If your schedule does not allow for morning creation, all good.
The point is to set aside a content creation schedule that works for you.
And you may need to experiment a good amount till you find your routine.
Writing Topics: Turning the Boring into Magic
One of the biggest misconceptions is that writing can only be interesting if the topic is interesting.
A Prolific Writer is capable of turning toothpaste into magic if need be.
Not saying you need to stop everything you are doing and write about toothpaste.
Instead, just know that you can if need be.
That’s the mindset we are getting you on.
Anything can be warped into a creative piece.
Even the most mundane of topics.
Let’s use the movie Toy Story for example:
If the creator had a sour attitude like ‘it’s just toys…what can I possibly create regarding that topic?’
Then he would have taken a major L!
You’ll have all the writing pieces if you explore your genuine interests.
Great writers are just documenting their perceptions.
That’s it.
That’s what allows their writing to evolve with them.
Rather than only talking about one fixed topic till they die, they take the ‘I’ll talk about my interests’ approach.
This keeps you dynamic and always growing!
If you have the skin for it, I highly recommend taking your writing live.
Like starting a Twitter, blog, email list, etc.
It’s cool to know that you have readers.
You are able to cultivate a relationship & at times, get feedback from a 3rd party source.
But don’t become too reliant on the feedback.
That can sap your creativity and have you turning into a circus monkey who only writes for likes, retweets, and engagement.
Write from your interests first.
And do it a lot.
Over time, a Prolific Writer is born.
Making Prolific a Lifestyle
You get to a point where writing is ingrained into your subconscious.
You couldn’t stop even if you tried!
But why stop?
The momentum is building.
Great writers become great thinkers.
And the great thinkers become great speakers.
It’s a chain effect when you unlock the life of a Prolific Writer.
The goal is to create a lot.
And you do that with a content creation schedule + talking about your natural interests.
If you can do that, then congrats my friend.
You are on your roadway to becoming a Prolific Writer.
A writer who turns the boring into magic.
To learn more about the life of a Proiflic writer, check out the:
Prolific Writer: the Holy Grail of Creative Writing!
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– ArmaniTalks