How to Properly Hype Someone Up

How to Properly Hype Someone Up


I was once watching this show called Indian Matchmaking on Netflix and was immediately hooked.

Around the end of the night, I like watching shows where I don’t have to think too much.

Plus, I learn about psychology through reality dating shows.


Within the show, there was a matchmaker who was trying to introduce younger singles.

There was one potential couple who stood out.


The girl was an ambitious businesswoman who was having trouble with her dating life.

She believed she came off too strong to other men.


The guy was a bit older and was stylish.

He had the personality to woo this ambitious girl.


As I heard their conversations, I noticed something.

It seemed like it was headed toward a dark path.


The Slick Talker


As I watched the show, I noticed this guy would have certain opinions…

Then he’d quickly switch his opinions as soon as the girl said something contrary.

It’s like he was trying to camouflage himself.


Most people don’t like confrontation.

So, it’s not unreasonable that he would slightly modify his opinion to avoid a standoff.


That’s not what I’m talking about though…


It seemed deeper.

It seemed more sinister.

He kept saying what she wanted to hear.


The person I was watching the show with said:

‘Wow, look at the guy, he has so much game!’


But I saw it differently.


Game is when you are flirty with your authentic self.

This guy was flirty with his inauthentic self.

It’s as if he didn’t really exist.

He was putting on an act.


My gut reaction proved to be true.

As time went by, he wasn’t really looking for a relationship.

He was looking for exposure from TV.


Hyping is Not About Lying


The reason I shared the story of this guy was to highlight that spitting game wasn’t about lying.

That’ll get you in a lot of trouble.


Likewise, hyping someone up is not about lying.

That will make you a nice guy.


The difference between a nice guy and a kind guy is the following:

  • A nice guy will say a real or fake message with a positive delivery.
  • A kind guy will say a real message with a positive delivery.


The nice guy is not hyping someone up.

He’s just doing some grade A ass-kissing.


Think of the teacher’s pet.

Or that coworker who always kisses the boss’s ass so he can get a promotion.


These moves seem “positive” from the outside.

But if you view the nice guy’s inner world, it’s self-serving.



What is Hyping Someone Up?



Hyping someone up is when you notice overlooked details about someone and magnify it.


If you know someone whose love language is words of affirmation, then you want to pay close attention to the rest of the post.


A hype man pretty much notices things and puts words to it.

That’s all.


I knew a hype man from a while back.

He was actually a Twitter follower of mine.


He said:

‘I find it very fascinating how you record a talk from beginning to end without any edits. That’s not easy to do.’


That comment made my entire week.


Recording a video in 1 take is difficult to do because it requires concentration, thinking on feet skills, strong posture, etc.

However, most people don’t notice the difficulty levels.


  1. This guy not only noticed it…
  2. He also put words on it.
  3. Then he made me aware.


These 3 steps require skill.


Notice What Others Don’t


The reason a lot of pretty girls don’t view it as a big deal to be called pretty is because they hear it all the time.

Others notice their beauty.

So, if you’re the 15th guy who is calling them pretty for the day, there’s not much hype.


The hype would be if you notice how this pretty girl is always on time for events.

Not only is she on time, but she’s 15 minutes early.


If you notice her remarkable ability to always show up early, put words to it, and make those words known to the pretty girl, that’s a hype.


Notice something throughout this post.

I’m not talking about a loud guy who is jumping up and down.


Lil Jon was a famous rapper in the 2000s.

He was known for making crunk music popular.

Music that made you want to get up and dance.


Lil Jon was viewed as the ultimate hype man.

If you put him on a track, he would immediately make it a club anthem.


I love Lil Jon’s music.

However, he did the ‘hype man’ phrase injustice.


Many folks think they can’t be a hype man because they say:

‘I’m just a lowkey kind of guy.’



Be lowkey then.


The hype man according to the ArmaniTalks brand is someone who notices things that others don’t and brings awareness to it.

If you can do that, then you are on the path to hyping others up.


How to Be Loved


Have you ever met someone who had the gift of making every conversation about them?

You can be talking about your trip to Alaska…

And this dummy will interrupt you and talk about how he always wanted to go to Alaska.


Due to trying to be loved, they are ridiculed.

While the opposite is also true.


The guy who isn’t stealing the spotlight and is hyping others up is more loved.

It’s because the hype man makes others feel bigger.


Don’t let the tough guy persona fool you.

Most humans are creatures who crave words of affirmation.

  • Translation: They want a pat on the back.


And they especially want a pat on the back for things that others are completely overlooking.

If you are the rare few who can notice what others aren’t, put words to it, and make it known… then you’ll be loved.


Hype them up when you’re in the room.

So they’ll hype you up when you exit the room.


For More Insights into Social Skills, be sure to check out the Charisma King eBook.


– ArmaniTalks 🎙️🔥

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