How to Do One Word Journaling


There are different journaling types for all types of folks out there.

Some like to do free-flow journaling.

This is the type of journaling where they write the first thing that comes to their mind.


Others love gratitude journaling.

They talk about the things that they are grateful for.


Others love creative writing prompts journaling.

This is when they are given a silly prompt, and they must bring this prompt to life.

  • “Tell a story about a purple zebra who wants to turn into a giraffe.”

The sillier the prompt, the more potential for creativity.


There is another journaling technique out there.

It’s called the one-word journaling.

Also known as the bulls-eye method.


What is One Word Journaling?



The one-word journaling is when we pick one word, and we keep writing it over for a set duration of time.


Why should someone do the one-word journaling?

There are so many other techniques out there already!!


The journaling technique that we adopt will depend on what we are looking to improve in our life.


If someone struggles with anxiety, I recommend they do free-flow journaling.

Write whatever is on their mind.

This will allow them to feel like they are talking to a therapist and making sense of their inner world.


If someone wants to see the glass as half full rather than half empty, then do gratitude journaling.


But if someone wants to improve their concentration skills, I recommend doing the one-word journaling.

We build focus by not doing many things…

Instead, just one thing.


How to Do the One Word Journaling Technique


I’ll break down the following process so it’s easier for you.

Let’s start with the first.

Picking the word.


1. How to Choose Your Word


For the word, I recommend it’s not too big.

The bigger the word, the more it feels like you’re writing a sentence rather than a word.

Instead, something small comes in handy.


For me, I chose “Armani.”

I’ll keep writing that over and over.


My name is Arman & my business is ArmaniTalks.

Therefore, I have an emotional connection with the word.


If you have an emotional connection with the word, that’s even better.

If you don’t, that’s all good too.

In the process of writing the word over and over again, you’ll cultivate an emotional connection with the word.


2. Choosing your Medium


I would recommend that you write by hand rather than type.

I’m pretty adamant about this.

Go analog.


This opens up a few options on where to write.

  • It can be on loose-leaf paper.
  • A notebook.
  • A journal.



I have these tiny black journals that I buy in bulk from Amazon.

These journals are sturdy and have a calming crème paper for me to write in.


You may want to experiment.

Before, I tried the loose-leaf papers, but that got messy quickly.

The journals help me the most.


3. Choose Your Writing Instrument


As for the writing instrument, I recommend a pen rather than a pencil.

When I used to write with a pencil, it was easy to lose focus.

If I messed up a word, I could just erase it and fix it.


But with a pen, I am forced to be more mindful.

If I mess up, that’s not good.

Better not mess up then!


As for the type of pen, the choice is yours.

I highly recommend a gel pen rather than a ballpoint pen.

A gel pen allows for a smoother flow and doesn’t cause your arm to tense up.


But if you like your ballpoint pen, that’s fine too.

Your body will adjust with practice.


4. How Long Should you Write For?


How long someone writes is up to them.

I have noticed 2 common patterns.

  • Write until the page is filled.
  • Write for a set amount of time.


Writing until the page is filled is a disciplined act.

There is a clear mission.

At times, we may want to quit midway into the page.


Then we remind ourselves:

“The goal has been set.”


The same thing can be said for setting a timer and writing until the timer goes off.

We set a goal and we stuck to it.


Dealing with Boredom


Boredom can hit when we are doing the same thing over and over.

No one said building our concentration skills was going to be a spectacle.


The cool thing is that the boredom comes and goes.


There are fun moments when we think:

‘We are really doing this!!’


Then boring moments like:

‘Geez, am I still doing this??’


Keep dealing with the emotional roller coaster.

Once you are done with your session, you’ll feel more resilient after you successfully went through a series of emotional roller coasters.


Also, change it up.

Sometimes, you will just focus on writing the entire word.

Other times, I recommend focusing on each letter.


There are times I focus on one letter of Armani at a time.



I slowly write each letter out.

I bring this symbol to life.

It’s fun.


Switch perspectives every now and then from:

  • Whole word to individual letters
  • Individual letters to the whole word


Ride the Waves


Our mind is a lot like an ocean.

There are a bunch of waves.

  • Some waves talk about our childhood.
  • Other waves talk about our regrets.
  • And other waves are about scenarios that never happened.


The average person is hopping from wave to wave without any direction.


The one-word journaling technique changes that.

Rather than hopping from wave to wave, we are able to coexist with the waves.


It doesn’t matter if the waves are talking about our childhood, regrets, or what-if scenarios.

We now have a word that will be a constant that allows us to surf the waves.


The word is our surfboard.

It can tackle the most tumultuous of waves.

The more we tackle the waves, the more we can coexist with them.


Our focus soon begins to skyrocket.


For more tips on mindset & creativity, be sure the checkout the Level Up Mentality






– ArmaniTalks 🎙️🔥

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