Is Self-Improvement Making You Judgmental?

Is Self-Improvement Making You Judgmental?


One of the most annoying people to hang out with is someone who is just getting into self-improvement.

You would think the opposite.

‘They are getting into self-improvement. Bravo!’


When they get into self-improvement, they want everyone else to get into it too.


They begin reading different books, talking about different things that they learned, and talk about working out.

Then they begin to make confessions on how they are going to cut out people who can’t keep up with their new lifestyle.


You look at them sideways.

‘Huh? Are they dropping clues?’


This person goes from self-improving to becoming judgmental.

Anyone who doesn’t have the same lifestyle as them is seen as a nuisance.


A lot of people become like this.

Avoid falling for this trap.


The High is High


In the beginning, finding self-improvement feels like entering a new world.

It’s crazy to see the different people online who talk about leveling up.

When we discover their content, we are hooked.


There is a high in the air.


When we try out their tricks, it works!

We want to get others into it too.


A few of our other friends pick up on it while others brush it aside.

When they brush it aside, we wonder if they have a loser’s mentality.

Are they holding us back?


We continue to vocalize why they should get into the content, but they are not interested.

Their lack of interest begins to annoy us.

We begin wondering if they should remain our friends…


They Maybe Gifted in Another Field


Here’s one thing you should know that will make you 10x less judgmental:

Just because a person is dumb on 8 things in life doesn’t mean they aren’t a genius in1 thing.


One of the guys who I would be judgmental towards at the beginning of my self-improvement journey was this guy who was always social.

I’ll call him Billy.


I felt like Billy wasn’t tapping into his true potential.

He was getting older and still working in a gas station.


Nothing against gas station jobs.

But the problem with Billy was that he’d always complain about it.


Around then, I was reading, Think and Grow Rich, and I thought Billy should read it too.

When I suggested the book, he quickly brushed it aside and changed topics.


Whenever I’d talk about Billy’s future aspirations, he’d brush that aside too.

Whenever I’d ask him how his education was going, he’d shrug his shoulders.


Billy seemed like a loser to me.

It didn’t look like he had what it took to self-improve.


I began to judge Billy.


Until one day… I noticed something.

Although Billy wasn’t great at self-improvement, he was great at social skills.

He was the guy you could insert into any room, and he’d make it come alive.


Although he wasn’t great at one part of life didn’t mean that he wasn’t great at another part of life.


Are you Becoming Judgmental?



The people who are the most judgmental through self-improvement are the people who just started.

It’s easy in the beginning.


The people who are the least judgmental through self-improvement are those who have been in the game for some time.

By then, things begin to feel different.


There are days when everything seems to be working.

From sunrise to sunset, we have momentum on our side.


Other times, we are having a flurry of bad days.

We can’t seem to get luck on our side.


All that is part of the process.


A moment that we stop judging others so much is when we were judged too soon.


During one of these bad days, a person goes out of their way to give us condescending advice.

You know, those types of advice where the guy has a smug attitude and acts like they are helping us out.

They are giving advice while simultaneously judging us.


In that moment of being judged, you see that things are way more complex than it seems.


That’s the kind of insight that you’ll reach when you’ve been leveling up for a while.

Things always seem easy from the outside, but from the inside, it’s way messier.


Allow Self Improvement to Improve you Social Skills


I see a lot of people who become more awkward with self-improvement.

They just do their own thing, become judgmental, and find it difficult to relate to others.


I believe you should use your self-improvement to make yourself more charismatic.


In my book, Charisma King, I share how leveling up and social intelligence are not enemies…

They are meant to work together!


Would you want to be your own friend?

If not, then be worried.

That means you are tilting in the negative direction.


If you can see yourself being your own friend, that means self-improvement is allowing you to blossom.


Observe the mannerisms of people who are annoying at the beginning of their journey.

They go online and say:

‘I just deleted half my Facebook friends today! They couldn’t keep up with me.’


That’s a weird comment that I see a lot of newbies make.

How does that make you feel?


If those comments make you feel weird, digest it.

Now you know what not to do.


Level Up, Not Down


Leveling up should eventually improve all aspects of your life.

From physique to finances, to social skills as well.


People who self-improve get judgmental because they are in the beginning of their journey.

The people who are the most judgmental ironically end up quitting the fastest.

This is NOT the recipe for success.


Realize that everyone is working on something different in their life.

Your priorities are not their priorities, and their priorities are not yours.

Respect that.


The more aware you become; the more self-improvement impacts you in a positive way rather than a negative way.

Now leveling up is a fun thing to do and allows others to be magnetized towards you.


For more insights into leveling up, check out the Level Up Mentality





– ArmaniTalks 🎙️🔥


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