What Is A Hype Man? (And Why You Should Become One)

What Is A Hype Man? (And Why You Should Become One)


Back in 2005, the most famous hype man was Lil Jon.

He was iconic for his sayings:

  • What?!
  • Okay!!


When someone would discover Lil Jon, they’d wonder:

  • Is he really famous? 
  • Wait, how much did you say he makes??


But there was no denying that when Lil Jon was added to a song, it went from good to great.

Especially if a musician was trying to create a party-like atmosphere.


A great hype man turns an ordinary situation into a great one.

However, there are a lot of misconceptions regarding the hype man.


The Main Misconception of the Hype Man


Although Lil Jon was a great hype man…

He skewed the perception of what a hype man was.


Whenever someone thinks of a hype man, they picture a loud dude cheerleading for someone else.

‘Xavier is the coolest. Xavier is the baddest man on the planet. YEAAA, GO XAVIER!!!!’


Sure, this is one form of hyping up.

But it’s not the only form out there.


Clear definitions lead to refined behavior.

So let’s sharpen our definition.


A hype man is someone who notices small details and magnifies them.


Story of the Hype Man


There was one day I was having a bad day.

I was supposed to be going to Orlando later that day for a birthday party.


However, I got caught up in work.

So I couldn’t carpool with my friends.


By the time I got out of work, I had to drive to Orlando by myself.

What was supposed to be a 1-hour and 30-minute trip turns into a 4-hour one.

There was a bad accident on the highway.


My aux cable wasn’t working.

The internet was slow.

I was stuck in the car with shitty radio music.


By the time I finally get to Orlando, I was tired and hungry.

To make matters worse, there was no parking in the complex.


I parked a couple of blocks away.

Then I walked roughly 40 minutes to the party location.

This was before Uber.


By the time I get there, most of the people are partying and getting hyped.


They see me and are like:

‘What took you so long?’


I explain the travesty I went through.

After the people listen with a glazed look in their eyes, they are like:

‘Awesome! Now it’s time to party!’.


‘Awesome?!’ I thought.

What I went through was far from awesome.

These guys weren’t paying attention.


During the event, the birthday boy came up to me.

He enthusiastically greeted me and asked why I was so late.


Then I gave him a rough view of what happened.

Didn’t want to explain the story in detail again.

Especially because tonight was his night.


His enthusiastic face turned concerned:

‘Wait, so you got delayed at work? You were stuck in traffic for how long? Hidden Palms Apartments?? That means you had to walk at least 30 minutes!’


He noticed the little details in the story.

Then he bought awareness to it.


This was his night…

Yet, he exhibited the traits of a hype man.


Why the Hype Man is Beloved



The reason the hype man is beloved is because they don’t make everything about themselves.

Instead, they make it about the other person, first.


Because to notice the tiny details and magnify them, you cannot be in:

‘Me, me, me’ mode.


There are plenty of people who have a talent for making every conversation about them.

They think the more they get others to like them, the more they are being charismatic.




Charisma is not about making others like you.

Charisma is about making others love themselves.


So, the hypeman is beloved because they effortlessly switch focal points.

By switching the focal point, they make others hyped.


Once the hype man leaves the room, others talk them up.

While the person who is incessantly bragging gets clowned once they leave the room.


Hype Man vs Ass Kisser


There is a big difference between flattery and giving a compliment.

Flattery is a polite way of saying ass-kissing.


Do you know someone like that?

This is the guy we used to call the teacher’s pet.

This person is just saying whatever to win favor from the other person.


With a compliment, it is more genuine.

  • It’s more so based on reality, rather than fantasy.


An ass-kisser will blatantly lie at times to talk someone up.

The ass-kisser’s motive is often selfish.

They want something.

  • Maybe a pat on the back.
  • Maybe a date.
  • Or maybe a promotion.


A hype man is more grounded in nature.

Their intent is pure.


How to Be More of a Hype Man


Being a hype man is not easy as it looks.

You may find it difficult to give someone a compliment.


I knew someone like that before.

They found it very difficult to give someone a compliment.

If they praised you, then you definitely earned it.


While the opposite is true.

Many people find it weird to recieve a compliment.

I used to be like this.


To be a hype man, start off light.

Gradually noticing things.

  • A new haircut, a different shirt, a possible job interview someone bought up a while back.


By focusing on the other person, you gradually reduce the focus on you.

There is no reason to jump up and down like Lil Jon.

Unless the situation calls for it.


The hype man mainly:

  • Spots small details and magnifies them.

Sort of like how a trampoline turns small hops into bigger ones.


Being the hypeman melts away social anxiety.

Now it’s easier to give compliments and receive them.


For more practical tips on emotional management and social skills, be sure to check out my book:

This book will teach you more about:

  • Listening better.
  • Creating effortless small talk.
  • Following up effectively.
  • Spotting dark psychology.
  • Building a tribe.

And much more!

Get the Charisma King here

– ArmaniTalks 🎙️🔥

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