Are Relationship Podcasts Ruining Your Life? 

Are Relationship Podcasts Ruining Your Life?


When I was a kid, I thought professional wrestling was real.

The day that I found out it wasn’t, I was crushed.


I saw a magazine where The Rock was admitting that wrestling was scripted.

Everything felt like a lie.

I stopped watching the show for years after that.


Once I picked up public speaking, I got curious about wrestling again.

Rather than watching professional wrestling for wrestling, I watched it for the talking.

These guys were amazing speakers.


As time passed, I was able to appreciate wrestling.

‘Um, Armani?’


‘I thought this post was supposed to be about relationship podcasts?’

It is.

‘Then why are you talking about professional wrestling for?’

Because the 2 are not that different.


The Rise of Relationship Podcasts


Within the past few years, podcasts have been booming.

There are new podcasts being released every day.

One of the most popular topics is about relationships.


These podcasts talk about:

  • Planning the ideal dates.
  • How to properly text.
  • Playing hard to get.
  • Dealing with breakups.
  • Self-improvement.

And much more.


A lot of these relationship podcasts teach a ton.

The creators serve as a big brother or a big sister to their audience.


They provide practical tips that are born from experience, not theory alone.

I’m here to say that relationship podcasts have added a lot of positives to society.


But with the positive comes the negative.

There is a dark part of relationship podcasts.


The Buffoons Rise to the Top


If you give reasonable tips on social media, then your page will get buried.

The algorithm doesn’t favor nuance.


The internet and social media give buffoons and loudmouths a mic.


Just because there are a lot of good relationship content does not mean they are the ones who are given a mic.

The ones who are given a mic are the ones who take a hard one-sided stance and endlessly vocalize it.


It’s not bad to take a stance.

At times, it’s necessary.

But the problem with taking too many hardline stances on dating is that it’s no longer relevant to the audience.


Each relationship is radically different.

Whenever a relationship podcast says:

‘This is the only way to do this.’


What they are doing is leaving grooves in their audience’s mind.

The audience soon begins to evaluate their partner from a one-sided lens.


If enough of these commands stack up in the audience’s mind, their relationship will implode.

Or worse, there won’t be a relationship at all.

People will exit the race even before the shotgun goes off.


Giving Outliers a Mic


Imagine a person who has a stable career and is levelheaded.

Do you think they have the time to go on a podcast and articulate their thoughts?


Getting on these podcasts requires filling out applications, signing contracts, and multiple follow ups.

Plus, when you’re on the show, there will be millions of people looking at you.

The person who is levelheaded doesn’t want to put themselves in that position.


So, they sit out from going on the podcast.


Guess who has all the time in the world to do a podcast?

Folks whose monetary compensation relies on it.

  • Aka: Other content creators who make a living off driving clicks, OnlyFans girls, other relationship podcast hosts etc.

These are the folks who you’ll see on the panel.


They may be able to give good advice every now and then, but that’s not their goal.

Their goal is to have a viral moment.


How Relationship Podcasts Can Ruin Your Life


I can always tell from my social media when someone discovers these relationship podcasts.

They begin sharing the podcast’s clips and sharing content bashing the opposite sex.


There is this one guy on my social media who keeps sharing content of OnlyFans girls looking silly on these shows.

I talked to him a while back.

I asked him how his dating life was going.


He said:

‘Why bother, bro? Look around. Most of these girls are wrecks nowadays.’


He is an introvert who rarely leaves the house.

I could tell what was happening.

He was confusing online with offline.


He saw tons of OnlyFans girls online who were acting immature.

And since he didn’t interact with many girls offline, he thought online was the only reality.


I told him he wasn’t accurate.

Heck, I asked him to name the last time he physically met an OnlyFans girl.


He couldn’t.


He was confusing the outliers as the norm.

It took some time, but he realized he was brainwashed.


I told him not to give up trying to find someone.

There are plenty of good girls on this planet.

Don’t let a relationship podcast that is actively trying to go viral tell you otherwise.


Hurt & Never Healed


Nowadays, anyone can create content.

You just buy a mic from Amazon and get started.


A lot of these folks will go through a bad breakup, and then immediately start giving advice.

But they aren’t really giving advice.

They are just venting!!


Then they attract others who are in the same low point in their life.

This podcast begins getting numbers.

When outsiders see this podcast getting all these views, they automatically view this podcast as a reliable source.


However, if you trace back into their personal life, you’ll see they are trying to process their trauma.


This is a classic case of the blind leading the blind.

Don’t let them get you!


The WWE and Podcasts


WWE and these viral relationship podcasts have 1 thing in common:

  • Entertainment.


Every now and then, I’ll watch clips of wrestling.

It’s fun to enjoy it when I don’t expect the wrestling to be real.


Likewise, every now and then, I watch these relationship podcasts.

I enjoy it when I don’t let their advice influence my life in a negative way.


I view these viral creators as entertainment.

If you view them as that, then you’ll discard the useless and apply the important.


These podcasts are fun to watch, not going to lie.

Just avoid letting them jade your view of love.


For more insights into mindset & EQ, check out the Level Up Mentality:




– ArmaniTalks 🎙️🔥

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