7 Powerful Tips to Stop Porn Addiction

7 Powerful Tips to Stop Porn Addiction


Addictions come in all shapes and sizes.

There is social media addiction, cigarette addiction, and alcoholism.


A recent addiction on the rise is porn addiction.


When dial-up was a thing, finding porn was a painfully tedious process.

It would take 30 seconds for a boob to buffer.

And even then, it was pixelated!


Nowadays, there are streams of data being sent to the phone with a few strategic strokes.

Keystrokes that is!


Porn addiction ruins your self-esteem and confidence.

Here are 7 tips to get it out of your system.


Tip #1: Fear is the Way


A lot of people hate on fear until they realize fear is the best fuel.

If a fat guy says:

‘You know what? It’d be really nice to lose a few pounds.’


Do you think he’d really lose weight?



But if their doctor comes to them and says:

‘You better lose weight, otherwise, you’re projected to get a serious heart attack in a few months.


Do you think he will lose weight now?



Use fear to your advantage.


What are some things about porn that scare you?

  • Not being able to get it up.
  • Hating your partner for her not meeting your unrealistic demands.
  • Getting the porn face.


Oh yea, the last bullet is a thing.

Girls can tell when a guy just watched porn.

Are you building a porn face?

Scare yourself!


Tip #2: Get Out the House More


When you are in the house a lot, you will find yourself doing silly stuff.

Drugs, alcohol, and frequent whacking off.


The problem becomes amplified when you live by yourself.

It’s harder to control yourself then.


Go outside more.

If you work from home, set up shop at a coffee house.

Go to the gym.

Get some sun by walking.

When you want to masturbate with porn, find something to do outdoors.


Tip #3: Apps to Reduce Access


A great way to drop a bad habit is to create restrictions.


Let’s say you have a bad habit of scrolling your phone at night and in the morning.

A way to reduce access to this bad habit is to leave your phone in a different room when you go to sleep.


You have introduced a physical barrier between you and your phone.

The likeliness of scrolling plummets.


There are apps that you can download which restrict access to X-rated websites.

Google them.

Download them on your desktop and phone.

By using restrictions, you will be able to reduce the likelihood of watching porn.


Tip #4: Look for a Partner


I get what it’s like.

If you are working your legs out a lot, you’re releasing a lot of testosterone in the body.

You may get horny a lot more and your partner may not always be in the mood.

Try talking to them about your desires.


If you’re single, see whether or not you want a partner.

A lot of times, our body has the answers, and we just need to listen.


Maybe your body is constantly reverting to porn because it’s signaling to you to look for a partner.

Listen to the clues!


By locking down a partner that you deepen a relationship with, you can avoid relying on porn for pleasure.

Why settle for bits when you can get the real thing?


Tip #5: Sexual Transmutation



An underrated way to reduce a porn addiction is to dream big.


In the book, Think and Grow Rich, Napolean Hill talks about how the greatest winners practiced sexual transmutation.


Rather than releasing their sexual energy, they would harness it, and use that energy to grow a real-world venture.


Start a business.


A lot of people’s hobby blogs grow in power and soon earn them a 6-figure income.

If you have some sort of business, then you’ll have a new thing to focus on.


Once you make your first dollar, it becomes a drug.

You want to make 10 bucks, 100 bucks, 1000 bucks, and more.

  • Addicted to making money >>> Porn addiction


Transmute your sexual desires.

Stop busting a nut in a napkin and use that energy to hit the 100,000-dollar per year club!


Tip #6: Listen to Horror Stories From your Friends


A lot of guys don’t talk about feelings.

However, for a lot of these stoic guys, when you ask them if they ever struggled with porn addiction, they will get emotional with you.

‘I did bro…Sit down and let me tell you about this dark moment of my life.’


How did they get addicted to porn?


When you hear their story, you’ll think:

‘I don’t want to end up like that!’


Knowing what you don’t want is the same as knowing what you do want.

See how others fell for this digital trap, so you can avoid the same path.


Tip #7: Give Yourself a Rough Cutoff


Setting realistic goals with porn addiction leads to realistic results.

Some people can quit porn cold turkey, while others need to be weaned off.


If a guy drinks alcohol every day, then it’ll be hard for him to quit cold turkey.

Instead of taking 2 shots a day, it’s good to take 1 shot for a while so he doesn’t shock his system.

Over time, go from 1 to 0.


If you are watching porn 2 times a day, gradually switch to 1.

Stick with that for a few.

Then gradually turn 1 to 0.


‘Can I quit cold turkey if I wanted to?’


To quit something cold turkey, you either need intense shame or intense desire.


Removing Porn from Your Life


I get how tough it is for the average person to navigate the digital landscape.

Before, X-rated content was hard to find.

There were Playboy’s that came out monthly.

Other than that, internet porn was too slow to get.


Nowadays, porn is easy to get.

A lot of people are silently rotting their brains.

They have no clue they have a problem, and others are unaware too.


The first step to overcoming an addiction is knowing that you can!

Keep fighting the good fight.

Detox your system and be born again.


For more insights into overcoming bad habits, check out the ArmaniTalks Free Daily Newsletter.


– ArmaniTalks 🎙️🔥


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