2 Strategies to Stop Micromanaging Others

2 Strategies to Stop Micromanaging Others



Micromanaging is when you observe your employee’s entire moves.


This happens due to 2 reasons:

  1. The employee is incompetent.
  2. You are afraid to lose control.

At times, it can be due to both reasons.


Micromanaging is annoying for the employee.

Think of suffocating parents.


The employee eventually is afraid to make mistakes around you, lies to you, and your team morale takes a hit.

By identifying why we micromanage, we can do something about it.


Reason #1: Incompetent Employees


There has been a lot of managerial bashing recently.

The content that goes the most viral talks about how bad managers and senior leaders are.


But one thing people don’t talk about is how lazy employees have gotten in the last couple of years!


Ever since the lockdown, many employees have gotten worse.

Since they saw they could work from home, they got a hit of pleasure.

Nowadays, when they are asked to go back to work, they do so without a sour attitude.


Most employees are not trying to be hard-working ambitious folks.

They are just trying to collect a paycheck.

Every year they are in the company, every year their drive dims.


The managers take up the brunt of managing these lazy unambitious employees.

These managers still have to answer their managers.

So, when an employee is missing crucial details in a project, the managers are forced to micromanage.


It’s easy to blame the managers.

  • “He should train the employees better.”
  • “Why not hire someone new?”


These are viable concerns.

However, the manager thinks:

‘We aren’t getting many applications now. I will just have to micromanage and steer the project to the finish line till then.’


Reason #2: Afraid to Lose Control


Imagine that the employees are highly competent.

Now what?

What does the manager have to fear?




Often, the manager micromanages his employees because he micromanages everyone in his life.

He has a type A, OCD personality.

He likes to stay involved.


Whenever he falls back from being involved, he either feels lazy or feels like he is about to get lied to.


If your manager is micromanaging you, and you’re a competent person, then it’s not really about you.

It’s about them.


How to Stop Micromanaging


First, you need to identify why you micromanage.

When you understand the root cause, it’ll be easier to resolve the issue.


Are you micromanaging because you have sloppy employees?

  • Then continue to micromanage them until you find someone better.


Find someone better, Armani? You don’t get it! This employee is so invested in the company, that replacing him would be impossible!’


It’s possible.


Anyone is replaceable.


When you’re micromanaging an incompetent person, one of the first thoughts in your mind will be:

‘This person is just too deep in the company.’


I guarantee you can find someone better in the marketplace.

Maybe you have to sacrifice 1-2 things.

Like, invest more time as they learn a certain coding language or pay a bit more.

But the headache will be worth it.


When you replace one idiot, you’ll feel empowered to replace another idiot.


As for the fear of losing control…

This is a fear that never fully goes away, it just reduces its grip over you.


Picture you’re a father who is teaching his son how to drive.

Initially, y’all are diving in the park.

Everything feels smooth and controllable.


After a lot of practice, one day, the son wants to drive on the actual road.

You need to overcome your fear of getting in a car accident to let your son’s ambition shine.


The initial moment before your son gets on a busy road will be filled with fear.

But the more you let your son have control, the more you can be a great passenger.


This isn’t easy.

It’s something you have to keep forcing yourself to do.


This is how it works with micromanaging.

You have to force yourself to let go of control.

If the team is competent, give them clear instructions, and have boundaries that you enforce on yourself so you can stay backed off.


It’s a muscle to let go of control.

Keep exercising it.


Is Micromanaging Ever Fine?


I believe micromanaging can be fine if the projects are important enough.

Certain projects need more attention.


Having spurts of micromanaging reminds the employees:

‘We need to lock in with this project.’


Also, depending on the industry, micromanaging may be the norm.

A coach of a championship sports team will analyze his players’ moves from on the court to off the court.


Micromanaging is acceptable in certain industries, while in other industries, it’s taboo.


Managers Deserve Respect


Managers don’t get enough respect.

They are the ones who help organize a group of people to 1 shared goal.

They also have flaws like anyone out there.


Some of them will lose their cool, will be too laid back, or too much of a micromanager.

Realize they are learning on the job just like you.


Many people want the perks but don’t want to put in the work.

A lot of people in my old company wanted to get paid more.

So, they worked themselves up to a manager.


Once they were given that position, they saw how difficult it was to manage a group of people.

Soon, these employees demoted themselves, so they didn’t have to deal with the headaches!


Managerial positions are lifelong positions.

You never figure it out, you just keep figuring it out.


Is Your Boss a Micromanager?


If your boss is a micromanager, then either look at yourself or look at him.

Look at yourself to see if you gave him a reason to micromanage you.


But if you find yourself to be competent, then let him know:

‘Just get off my back for this project, and I’ll show you what I’m capable of.’


Each time the son brings the car back safely, each time the father’s faith in the son grows.


We will all find ourselves in a range of work issues from time to time.

Getting micromanaged is one of those strange dynamics.


For more insights into carrying yourself in the workplace, check out the ArmaniTalks Free Daily Newsletter.


– ArmaniTalks 🎙️🔥


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