Why the Younger Generation Loves Mumble Rap
The following post is from Full Circle: 101 Short Stories, Essays, and Insights to Improve Communication Skills
Recently, I was going through my playlist and noticed something.
3 of the songs that I listen to the most are the songs where I don’t understand the lyrics.
When I don’t understand the lyrics, my mind is more flexible and imagination is more engaged.
I felt like an old man recently.
I saw a Facebook post of:
‘Which year had the best rap music?’
And the picture had a few blocks of:
90s, 2000s, 2010s, 2020s.
And within the blocks, there were a few rappers from that era.
I automatically went to 2000s.
50 Cent, Nas, Jay Z, and much more.
But there were people who were choosing 2020s as the golden era.
When I saw that, I was like:
‘Who the hell do y’all have?? A bunch of mumble rappers! Smh.’
Then I thought:
‘Why is mumble rap so popular?’
I turned my old man volume down and put myself in the new era’s shoes.
Why does mumble rap have so much appeal?
I think it’s because of the same reason why I like songs where I can’t understand the lyrics.
A lot of people who listen to music aren’t trying to think about the meaning of life.
Sure, those moments happen every now and then.
But overall, many music listeners want the artist to move out of the way so they can feel the vibration.
Mumble rap has appeal because it’s the kind of music where the artist and the beat become 1.
When I thought about it like that, I could see why many people chose 2020 as their favorite era of rap.
Although in my humble opinion, 2000s was still the best.
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– ArmaniTalks