Why Obsessing Over Politics is the Fastest Way to Ruin Your Life

Why Obsessing Over Politics is the Fastest Way to Ruin Your Life


The Walking Dead was not just a fictional TV show.

It’s a show based on real life.

However, instead of people turning into physical zombies, they become mental zombies.


They become mental zombies by becoming obsessed with politicians.

I mean straight-up obsessed.


This often happens to people in their 30s, who constantly latch onto a new movement, their entire identity becoming wrapped around it.

Now, their idea of living life is to recruit others into that movement.

It’s really nauseating.


I can’t stand when people get obsessed with politics and act like their whole life revolves around it.

I even stop returning calls when people get like that.

Their minds have been hijacked, and who knows how many years they’ll be in this state.


“Politics Cares About You”


One quote these people always say when you tell them you don’t revolve your life around politics is:

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t care about politics; politics cares about you.”


They drop this line like it’s some kind of mic-drop moment.

My thought?

What a moron. Of course, it affects me. Everything affects me when we live in a society.”


These people are obsessed with politics, but if you bring up something in pop culture, they’ll say, “That doesn’t affect me.”

They genuinely think politics impacts them more than pop culture.

But that’s not true.


It doesn’t matter if they watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians—the Kardashians influence a generation of women on beauty standards.

It doesn’t matter if they listen to rap—rap lyrics can penetrate someone’s psyche and influence their day-to-day behavior.

And it doesn’t matter if they consume content creators—content creators influence the youth.


Often, pop culture influences which direction politics will go.

It’s similar to an engineer who doesn’t care about media.

They don’t realize that media influences the direction technology will take.


So, whenever someone tells me, “It doesn’t matter if you don’t care about politics; politics cares about you,” I flip it on them.

I’ll find a topic they ignore and make a case for how it influences them.


Focus on the Back-End Before the Front-End


For context, I don’t have kids right now.

My philosophy may change when I do.

I won’t rule out the importance of politics in the future.


But at this stage of my life, just having opinions isn’t enough.

Sure, you can use your platform to bring attention to certain things, but that’s only front-end work.

I believe you need to build a solid back end before you heavily invest in politics.


I once knew a girl who just became a lawyer with a promising career ahead of her.

Suddenly, she became deeply immersed in the Israel vs. Palestine conflict and started posting about “Free Palestine.”

So far, nothing wrong with that.


But over time, she became more obsessive, posting frequently until one day, an Israel supporter slid into her DMs and began debating her.

She completely lost it, saying horrific things that included putting Jews in gas chambers.


This person took screenshots and leaked them to the public.

Headlines were made:

“Anti-Semitic Lawyer” and so on.


Just like that, her career was ruined.


She had opinions—a lot of front-end work—but no income to fall back on.

I believe the goal is to build the back end.

Have substantial resources, so if you have a passion you want to voice, you aren’t risking your livelihood.


Because no matter how passionate you are, if you can’t pay the bills, all that passion has to wait.


Properly Contextualize Politics


There’s always going to be something new.

The media needs fresh stories to keep the public immersed.


I’m not saying politics doesn’t matter…it does.

Things like school curriculums, gun laws, tax laws, and more are all influenced by politics.


Reality check though… politics has always been a part of life!


But back in the day, when only major news channels existed, being into politics was a niche interest.

Now, with new media, everyone suddenly thinks they’re a political analyst.


Caring about politics has become mainstream, so people overvalue how much it impacts their day-to-day lives.


A parallel is the “red pill” content.

When red pill creators interview OnlyFans creators, it’s entertaining, but it also skews the audience’s perception of how common OnlyFans creators really are.


Ask yourself:

  • How many OnlyFans creators do you know?

Probably none.


Yet, when the content goes mainstream, it leads people to overestimate its prevalence.

Similarly, properly contextualize politics in your life.


It’s fine to care about who you vote for, stay updated on issues, and use your platform for a noble cause.

But avoid becoming a brain-rot zombie who only talks about politics and conspiracy theories.


You may feel like you’re making a huge impact now, but in 10 years, you might feel a lot of regret.

Caring about politics is not an asset-building skill.


It loses value as you get older.

Focus on building assets while you have the energy.


Wake up!

Quit acting like a character from The Walking Dead.


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– ArmaniTalks 🎙️🔥


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