Why Feminine Fashion for Men Needs to Stop

Why Feminine Fashion for Men Needs to Stop


You know what I can’t stand?

Feminine fashion for men.


Some may say:

“What defines feminine? Why can’t men wear skirts?”


I’m old-school with fashion.

I believe taking some risks is fine, but there’s a certain line.


I’m not one of those people who thinks everything needs to be questioned.

There are certain traditions I prefer we keep the way they are.


Questioning everything seems like progress at first…until you realize nothing is getting done.

It becomes a way of tearing things apart without offering solutions.


Over the past couple of years, I’ve noticed more and more media pushing feminine attire for men:

  • Painting fingernails
  • Wearing skirts
  • Rocking ponytails

It makes me cringe.


I know fashion is subjective, so allow me to give you my subjective thoughts…


#1 Reason Men’s Fashion is Becoming Feminine


I think it all begins with the media.

You’ve probably heard, “Sex sells,” but here’s another twist: “Debate sells.”


Anything can be framed as a debate.

Let’s say for years, men have worn jeans and T-shirts.

The media’s ratings start to dwindle, so they look for a way to spice things up.


Why not create a debate?


Put a prominent figure in a dress.

When one side protests, asking, “Why is a man wearing a dress?” the other side counters, “What’s wrong with it?”


Suddenly, this debate stirs up ratings.

More people talk about it.

Impressionable people get influenced, and before you know it, they’re wearing dresses, too.


Fashion is a quick and visual way to spark controversy because it’s something we can physically see.

The more the media latches onto a topic, the more it permeates pop culture.


Athletes and Musicians


Two of the most prominent groups to embrace new fashion trends are athletes and musicians.

We’ve seen Harry Styles wearing a dress.

Russell Westbrook rocking a skirt.


When these figures push boundaries, debates arise, and they introduce new norms.

Soon, more fashion designers start creating feminine clothes for men.

Suddenly, it becomes a market.


I can kind of understand why musicians experiment with feminine styles…they’re in the entertainment industry and love to push creative boundaries.


But athletes?



David Stern’s suit policy for NBA players used to make them look professional.

It took the guesswork out of what to wear and allowed players to focus on their game.


Since Adam Silver came in, players now have the freedom to dress however they want.

As a result, some seem to compete to see who can wear the most outlandish outfits.


Fashion companies offer deals:

“Wear our stuff, and we’ll pay you.”


Impressionable fans see athletes like Russell Westbrook dominating on the court, and they equate his greatness with his fashion choices.

Just like that, men’s fashion is pushed further into feminine territory.


Why I Can’t Stand Feminine Fashion for Men


It makes me cringe.

Something about a man wearing nail polish feels uncomfortable to me.


Why can’t we accept certain qualities in men as they are?

What’s wrong with simplicity—jeans and a T-shirt, a suit, or sports clothes?

Why push the boundaries with men’s fashion so much?


Not long ago, society was questioning why men don’t cry enough.

Apparently, if you didn’t cry often, something was wrong with you.


Maybe—just maybe—men process their emotions differently due to the extra stresses of life.

Maybe men regulate their emotions while women are more prone to expressing them.

We need to stop trying to make men like women.


A Vision for Masculine Fashion


Masculine fashion begins with the body.

Develop a good physique.

Wide shoulders, big arms, and a slim waist.


With a great physique, anything you wear will look good.


Masculine fashion is simple: solid colors, high-quality pants, and shoes.

Occasionally, you can experiment with colors or designs, but don’t stray too far.


I think to get men’s fashion back on track, we need to encourage men to work out more.

When they do, they can wear clothes that complement their bodies.

Simplicity wins.


Push Back on Feminine Wardrobes


Now, more than ever, it’s important to say no to feminine wear.

Learn to say, “Nah, I’m good.”

And just because popular creators online do something doesn’t mean you need to follow suit.


The media thrives on creating tension out of nothing.

The more people engage with these debates, the more they take over public consciousness until it becomes the new norm.


I’m a big fan of men’s fashion:

  • A fit body
  • Simple clothes
  • High-quality materials that last


No need to overcomplicate it.


For more insights into mindset and fashion, check out the ArmaniTalks free daily newsletter!


– ArmaniTalks 🎙️🔥


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