What Kind of Content Should I Create?

What Kind of Content Should I Create?


Should you create content?

If you are remotely curious about the question, then it’s best you keep reading.

If the idea sounds laughable to you, then chances are you should still keep reading.


What is content?

Content = Stories.



The ideas take up life in different forms.

Sometimes, pictures.

Other times, tweets.



There is a whole ecosystem for different ways to create content.

But the fundamentals come down to ideas.


Who should create content & why add another thing to your life?

That’s what this post aims to cover.




Everyone should have a hobby.

A hobby is a task that is used to unwind.


‘What if I don’t want a hobby?’

Then a hobby finds you.

But when a hobby finds you, that’s not good news.

It normally comes in the shape of a bad habit.


On a day-by-day basis, the average person is getting a flurry of energy thrown at them.

Different information, opinions, dialogues are being absorbed by this person.


All that energy absorbed should be released in an outlet.

When no outlet is assigned, that’s when bad habits like:

  • excessive pornography, alcoholism, smoking cigarettes takes form.


Intentionally choosing a hobby signals to the subconscious mind that YOU are in charge.

Not the outside environment.


Why Content Creation is the Ultimate Hobby


A great hobby should leave you better off.


It should hit any of the target points:

-makes you a better communicator.

-adds money to your bank account.

-gives emotional fulfillment.

-leads to mental clarity.


Any of those effects show the sign of a great hobby.

Guess what?


Content creation hits all of them.


Content creation is the art of storytelling.

So you leave off as a better communicator.


Strategically leveraging your content leads to money.

An example is this blog.

If anyone clicks on the ads on this blog, I get paid.


It’s the concept that matters.

Ideas are turning into cash.


Emotional fulfillment happens when you pick a topic that you are naturally curious about.

What should be avoided is picking a topic just because others are choosing it.


Find the topic which aligns with your inner world & emotional fulfillment happens.


The byproduct of emotional fulfillment is mental clarity.

The mind mainly gets fuzzy when emotions are chaotic.


Smooth emotions equal a calm ocean.

A calm ocean equals a calm mind.


What Kind of Content Should You Create?


‘Alright Armani, I am really considering becoming a content creator of some sort.’


‘The only problem is that I am stuck on the sort. No clue what to do next. What kind of content should I create?’


Before getting too detailed, it comes down to looking at your consumption.

‘Don’t you mean production?’

No, I mean your consumption.


What kind of content do you predominantly consume at the moment?

You may be wondering why this is an important question.


This is important because it shows 2 things:

-It shows where you are currently finding emotional fulfillment.

-It gives signs to your thinking patterns.


‘I predominantly listen to podcasts.’

That means you enjoy podcasts.


Also, you most likely consume podcasts from more than 1 creator.

So chances are your mind is thinking in a new way.

Your voice is being morphed to sound like a podcaster.


May not notice it yet…

But just know that you consuming podcasts will help you in your unique content creation journey.


Fear and Joy


The content you predominantly consume does not necessarily always have to decide your content creation fate.


I am a hybrid.

I like to read books, don’t listen to many podcasts & occasionally watch some YouTube videos.


But the ArmaniTalks brand covers most forms of media.

Emails, tweets, blogs, YouTube, podcasts & books.


You’ll truly know when you start creating content.

That’s when it comes down to zoning in on the passion.


‘How is the topic chosen?

The topic can be chosen in 2 different ways:




Let’s talk about this.


Finding The Topics to Talk About


Great content is born from fear and/or joy.

What is it that you are scared of?

Go on a journey to conquering the fear & creating stories on that.


This kills multiple birds with 1 stone.

  • A fear is conquered.
  • In-depth content is created for life.
  • Others who want to conquer the same fear, learn.


The joy route is doubling down on a passion.


This too kills multiple birds with 1 stone.

  • The passion turns into a codified skill.
  • In-depth content is created for life.
  • Others who want to level up this skill, learn.


Both fear & joy have the emotional component involved.

Which charges up the lifeless content.

Without the emotions from your end, it’s hard to make someone else feel from their end.


Create a Schedule and Start


Procrastination will never get you started

Perfectionism will never get you finished.

So it’s a game of beginning before you’re ready.


A recap:

  1. Find out what you consume the most to look for signs of which platform to begin on.
  2. Find topics that either scare you or make you feel alive.
  3. Create content on number 2.


A rough schedule helps a ton.

Example: a blog every Sunday, Wednesday, and Saturday.

Or a new YouTube video every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.


This is a game of repetition.

The content does not exist if it is not published.

Get comfortable with publishing & each rep gets more polished over time.


Leaving a Dent on the Internet


The internet is still in the infancy stages.

Despite how complex it seems at this stage.


The beauty of the internet is that it does not see age, race, gender, etc.

It just sees value or no value.


The other beauty is that anyone can carve out a niche for themselves.

No matter how bizarre it may seem at the moment.


Creating your own lane is always an option as well.

It never hurts to be a pioneer on the digital stage.


The best content is the one that is created with you leading the way.

Lead with personality first & sprinkle in your skillset along the way.


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– ArmaniTalks 🎙️🔥




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