What Are Information Systems? [A Dummies Guide]

What Are Information Systems? [A Dummies Guide]


Certain phrases don’t have much flair.

One of those phrases is a connection of 2 words:

  • Information systems.


Don’t let the bland name fool you.

These systems are important.

So important that you can’t go a day without directly or indirectly using them.


By learning how to leverage information systems to your advantage, you become a powerful version of yourself.

With the correct use of technology, you become 5 inches taller.


One of the first people to learn the utility of information systems was Sam Walton, the founder of Walmart.

He was an old-timer by the time he became cognizant of the importance of computers.


He realized:

‘Whoa, computers can free up a lot of time for humans! How about I bring these machines into Walmart?’


What Is a System?


A system is a collection of parts that lead to the emergence of something new.


One example is your car.

Your car is composed of a variety of parts.

  • Steering wheel.
  • Rearview mirror.
  • Side mirror.
  • Accelerator.



If someone came up to you and individually gave you one part at a time, you’ll be like:

‘Yo, what the hell? I don’t need that junk!’


This goes to show that the parts alone are not the money maker.

It’s how the parts are intertwined to provide useful value that’s the money maker.


Another example of a system is a calculator.

It’s composed of plastic, battery, wires, etc.


Alone, those parts mean nothing.

But those parts intertwined allow you to see how much 99×99 equals.

It’s 9,801 by the way.


What Are Information Systems?


Information systems are systems that process information to provide value.


Don’t worry.

I’m not going to leave you with an unsatisfactory definition like that.

Let’s zone in on that definition.


Information technology + People + Processes = Information System.


Information technology is broken down into:

  • Software
  • Hardware
  • Telecommunications

Aka: Computers with an internet connection.


The other part of information systems includes people and processes.

Aka: How are the people using the machines?


Individuals who major in information systems need to have technology and people skills.

It’s a hybrid position that merges the left and right brain.

Having an understanding of how computers serve people opens your perspective to a brand new world.


what are information systems


Common Examples of Information Systems


Thus far, we said that information systems are a collection of:

  • Computers with an internet connection plus people & processes.


Can you give me an example of an information system?

‘Hm… when I email someone?’



This is when you get information from your computer…

Then you use the internet connection to communicate with another human.

They will receive your message on their computer and will let you know if they are coming home for Christmas.


What’s another example of an information system?




With Netflix, you log into a server to access a database of content.

This allows you to be entertained.


Most information systems are there to:

  • Provide entertainment.
  • And make it easier for humans to communicate with one another.


How to Leverage Information Systems


An example of an information system is the blog that you’re reading right now.

What do you think I’m doing right now?


I may be sleeping, walking, or eating.


However, the blog is still up.


By strategically using information systems, you gain a ton of leverage.

You gain more control over your limbs.


With a proper understanding of information systems, space disappears!


Where are you from, my fellow reader?

‘I’m from Italy.’

I’m from Tampa, my fellow reader.

And here we are, communicating away…


So the distance between Italy and Tampa is a mere formality.

The content bridges us both.


Time is an illusion with information systems as well.


A year from now, someone may discover this blog.

And it will still have relevance.


I’m not saying any of this to brag.

It’s to help you understand that information systems give you superpowers.


Superpowers don’t only exist in cartoons.


If someone came up to you and said:

‘Hey, what would you do if I gave you something that allowed you to be unaffected by time and space?’


You’ll probably be like:

‘That’s impossible. That’s magic!’


Well, nowadays, magic is looking like reality.

Free photos of Binary


Using Information Systems to Improve Content Creation


Whenever creating content on new media, think BIG picture.

Rather than trend-hopping, ask yourself the question:

‘What content will be relevant 5,000 years from now?’


This advice may not work for everyone.

Since a lot of people have brands built around discussing the latest topics on entertainment, politics, and sports.

I’ll address y’all shortly.


But let’s say your topic is evergreen.

Topics that relate to communication, psychology, human nature, etc.

  • Think big picture.

This allows you to freeze your thoughts effectively with information technology.


And if you cover trendy topics, how can you use information technology to free up more time?

  • Maybe create a website.
  • A video that answers common questions while you take a nap.
  • Set up an email list with a follow-up sequence.


If you can think it, you can execute it.

By asking yourself how you can leverage systems into your content, you free up more time to be creative.




Most of the stuff on the internet is not yours.

  • Twitter can ban your content.
  • YouTube can ghost you on the algorithms.
  • Bot accounts can copy your material on Instagram.


By informing yourself on topics such as:

  • How computers work.
  • How telecommunications work.
  • And how people work.


You gain more control over your future.


With information systems, you see the invisible glue that holds powerful organizations and businesses together.

An amazing leverage indeed!


Can you use that leverage to build ownership of something you own?

So you become un-cancellable?


Think about that.

When we have ownership in something, it fuels us to think big.


For more exclusive content on information technology, communication skills, and practical psychology, be sure to join the ArmaniTalks Free daily newsletter.

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– ArmaniTalks 🎙️🔥

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