The Art of Impromptu Speaking


There are a lot of different art forms out there.

But there are few as pure as impromptu speaking.


We have a misconception nowadays…

Many believe that impromptu speaking shows that a person is lazy.

‘That person didn’t plan? Oh my! I could never!’


Why not though?

Who wouldn’t want to create art at WILL?

Art is any form of expression that can resonate with at least one person or more.


There’s a misconception that beauty needs to be planned.

Not quite.


The autodidact learns the art of thinking.

The artist learns the art of NOT thinking.


Impromptu speaking is a lost skill.

A skill that will see a resurgence in a world that is filled with unlimited content.

Those who are prolific will ultimately win.


What is Impromptu Speaking?


Impromptu speaking is the skill of talking about a topic with little to no preparation.

This is a popular feature of Toastmasters known as Table Topics.


In the Table Topics section of Toastmasters, a speaker is called on stage, given a topic & told to give a 1-2 minute talk on it.

When I first got called on stage to do this… I thought it was impossible.

No way can a guy with speech anxiety pull something like this off!


However, when we pull the trigger & just begin speaking…

There is a higher intelligence that guides us along the way.


Even though the talk may not be perfect, we are still proving a major concept to ourselves.

‘And what’s that concept?’

That we are CAPABLE of speaking with no preparation.


Impromptu Speaking Leads to Enhanced Creativity


When you are talking to your best friend, are you preparing what to say?

‘No, not really.’

What about when you’re talking to your close family members?


See… so speaking in a planned fashion is not always needed.


Planning requires us to lead with logic.

We can keep polishing and adding layers to our initial talk…

Although it may sound better in grammatical terms, we may at times strip away the human element of it.


There were 2 rappers who were studied.

-One rapper read off previous lyrics.

-One rapper freestyled.


For the rapper who freestyled, the brain area that correlates with the ‘sense of self’ was disengaged.

The side of us that is worrying about what others think, dogmas and cultural norms turned down in volume.

Just PURE flow.

Pure creativity.


Freestyling is a skill.

A skill that is practiced.

A freestyle rap is simply melodic impromptu speaking.

The 2 are one and the same.


Who Should Improve Impromptu Thinking Skills?


If you are someone who feels self-conscious while speaking to others

Then impromptu is for you.


But more importantly, if you feel like others don’t get a real, authentic version of you..

Then once again, look into impromptu speaking.


This is a massive skill for confidence.

A person who can think on their feet is able to connect ideas when under pressure.

Heck, you can argue they connect ideas BETTER when they are under pressure.


If you are currently a polished speaker, even you are qualified to learn impromptu.

One fear that plagues many speakers is:

‘What if I forget what I initially practiced?’


For speakers who are weaponized with their thinking on feet skills, they are like:

‘Who gives a fuck? I will just stray away if need be & come back to the initial point when I remember!’


This is an extra cheat code that allows us to create an artistic expression on a more dynamic scale.

If you’re curious, then read on.


How to Improve Speaking Skills


There are 2 methods to improve thinking on your feet.

Both methods can be worked in tandem, or only one can be chosen.

-String and Pearls Technique.

-Toastmasters Table Topics.

Let’s go thru each.


String and Pearls Technique



If you want to learn impromptu speaking skills solo, then I recommend this strategy.

The string is the general theme of your talk.

Pearls are the key points of your talk.


The string guides your mind to not go all over the place.

And the pearls are the big ideas that are weaved on the string.


Pick the string FIRST, then add the pearls as needed like a top-tier jeweler.

This simple framework allows for INFINITE possibilities.



String: Basketball vs football fights.

Once you have identified the string, generate a few pearls in your mind that fit the theme.

Don’t get too detailed… The more general, the better.


Pearl 1: basketball fights are fun because you can see the player’s face.

Pearl 2: football fights are fun because the players are more swole.

And Pearl 3: Who would win between a basketball and football player fighting?


Find a way to connect the 3 pearls.

‘But…but…that feels difficult.’



The whole process of connecting will wire & fire new patterns of neural pathways in your brain.

It’s going to feel hella tough.



No matter how weird it sounds…

Just finish.

The more you practice, the better you’ll get at stringing the pearls on the string.


Toastmasters Table Topics



As stated earlier, Table Topics is the impromptu speaking section of the Toastmasters club.

Each speech lasts 1-2 minutes.

This route is for people who have no problem learning in front of others.


Toastmasters is a club that looks out for guests & members.

They do their best to make sure people who are participating in the Table Topics feels welcomed.


Being forced to think on your feet while eyeballs are staring at you makes ya hella alert.


The key is to begin before you’re ready.

Don’t think too much. Thinking too much kills the greatest impromptu speakers.

Keep the mood light. When in doubt, humor helps.

And just keep pushing forward with your talk.


1-2 minutes will be done, an adrenaline rush will be felt & who knows…

You may be volunteering again in the near future.


Bringing the Art of Impromptu Speaking to the 21st Century


Overall, planning is not bad.

I believe planning has a role.


However, planning too much creates timid speakers.

And kills prolific creators.


There is a level of bravery that’s needed to master the art of impromptu speaking.

This level of bravery is for those who have no problem entering the unknown.


Sure, it may make us look foolish at times..

But once the skill has been finetuned & crafted, we will build a superpower.


This is like the kid who keeps falling on his ass riding without the training wheels.

While his buddies are riding with the training wheels. Not a single scratch on them.

Sure, the training wheels kids are doing better…for now.


But once the kid without training wheels finally figures it out, he will have 2 things:

-Battle scars.

-The ability to ride a bike without assistance.


Who won in the long run?

I’ll let you decide.


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– ArmaniTalks 🎙️🔥



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