A Dummies Guide on How to Spot Fake News

A Dummies Guide on How to Spot Fake News


If you have no clue how the media business model works, then chances are you will get brainwashed.

It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when.


The sad reality is that many of us are prone to get brainwashed.

It’s because we don’t know everything.


When we don’t know everything, that’s when we need to understand.

To understand means to stand under.

And when we stand under an authority, we give them power over our minds.


For example…

I am not going to cut myself open to see what’s going on in there.

I will give control of my mind to a medical professional or a medical textbook to tell me what’s going on inside my body.


It becomes more complex when we are giving power over our minds for other topics.

Like social issues, opinions, and ‘facts’ that are meant to help us make practical decisions.


In this article, I’m going to give some frameworks on how to spot fake news.

So you are not becoming a zombie from the Walking Dead.


How to Spot Fake News


The Purpose of Journalism


The purpose of journalism is to spread information so the consumer is self-sufficient.


A lot of the current mainstream news organizations are the polar opposite of that.

They aren’t trying to make the masses feel independent.

They are trying to make others feel more dependent.

Maybe dependent on the government, a political party, or a news organization.



This is when having some basic understanding of the business model of mainstream news organizations helps.


The Business Model of Mainstream News Organizations


Companies make money by selling things. You sell a:

  • Product.
  • Service.
  • Ad space on your platform.


Traditional news organizations often do the last one.

They have shows that are meant to give value through delivering news.

From there, advertisers would like to promote products and services during available time slots.

Therefore, for the corporation to make more money, they need more views.


This is when these organizations aim to create content that will get clicks.

Clicks often spike through negativity.

Once the emotions are there, that’s when more people tune in.


This is when the initial purpose of journalism gets lost.

Rather than creating content that makes others feel independent.

They create content to make others feel dependent.

So the viewers will tune in again and again.


Not all organizations do this.

But in this era, many have fallen victim to the trend.

And there is a reason why.


The Role of Technology in Media


The beauty of this era is that it’s easier than ever to become a media company.

With the rise of information technology, all you need is a microphone and ideas.


This makes it harder for traditional media.

Because now old school letterheads have more voices to compete against.

The competition mindset towards media is sad!

Because media is a positive-sum game.


Ironically, the tiny organizations have more leverage because they don’t have too many overhead costs.

They don’t have to get a massive amount of views to break a profit.

Which allows them to dive into long-tail keywords and nuanced topics.


Technology has changed the game.

And this causes old-school businesses to get desperate.


Spotting Fake News


Thus far, I have shared why fake news exists.

And by the way, this is not new by any means.

This has been happening for ages.


The first step to spotting fake news is to know a lot.

This allows you to separate what is legit vs what is bs.


For example:

If someone starts lying to me about dolphins…

I won’t be able to distinguish fact from fiction because I don’t know much about dolphins.

I’ll just nod my head and will believe what they say.


I need to know about something to spot biases.

Often, you’ll spot biases by the language someone uses.

A whole bunch of emotion and sweeping generalizations.


Building Media Literacy


Just because it’s on tv doesn’t mean it’s true.

Just because it’s on the internet doesn’t mean it’s true.


Someone with elevated levels of media literacy knows how to:

  1. Spot the intent of the media.
  2. And create media.


I believe #2 leads to more development of #1.

When you create some form of media, that’s when you are capable of developing awareness and a gut feeling.

It’s easier to spot biases.


By the way, biases aren’t bad if you own them.


This brand’s name is called ArmaniTalks.

Not SaulTalks.

Therefore, my readers want to hear my perspectives.

ArmaniTalks does not claim to be a news organization.


Most of the media you consume may be like that too.

Where you follow a particular author to hear their biases.


See how someone frames themselves.

If they are saying that they are a news organization that lives on facts…then it’s vital that they live up to that proclamation.


As Warren Buffet once said:

“You can hold a rock concert and that’s OK. You can hold a ballet and that’s OK. But don’t hold a rock concert and advertise it as a ballet.”


Spotting Fake News


A lot of people are talking about how coding should be taught in early education.

That coding is just as important as learning English.


I agree with this.

Coding is important.


But more people need to learn media literacy.

What coding is to computers, storytelling is to humans.

A story commands someone’s nervous system and dictates their future.


A person with a bright future who gets caught up in fake news no longer has a bright future.

Therefore, learn to spot fake news by knowing a lot.

And once you know a lot, create some content.

That’s when you’ll develop a new sunglass to perceive reality.


Storytelling is influential and that’s how the powerful get more powerful.

In my book, the Art and Science of Storytelling, I have a section on puppet masters.

Those people who use the narrative to manipulate/influence others.

Learn more in the Art and Science of Storytelling Book:



– ArmaniTalks 🎙️🔥


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