How to Spot Boring Topics

The following post is from the ArmaniTalks Newsletter

We aren’t always going to be able to talk about fun riveting topics for our speech.

Every now and then, we aren’t working with much.


A conference asked us to speak on a specific topic because we are a subject matter expert.

Our only worry is that this topic will put the audience to sleep.


First, how do we spot boring topics?


I have a simple rule:

  • Topics that directly deal with people are entertaining.
  • Topics that don’t directly deal with people are boring.


For example:

-Talking about how taking photos with others builds rapport is a fun topic because it directly deals with other people.

-Talking about how a camera works is a boring topic because it doesn’t directly deal with other people.


Talking about how a camera works is a very technical topic.

In the public speaking world, technical topics are boring topics.


How do we turn boring topics into entertaining ones?


Through analogies!


Let’s say you make cameras for a living.

And you are able to draw a parallel between a camera and a human eye.

If you can explain the camera with analogies to the human eye, suddenly, I will become more engaged.


The first time I got curious about biology was when the biologist was talking about how a cell is identical to a human at a fundamental level.

A human is made up of trillions of cells.


After hearing his explanation of cells, I wondered:

‘Are humans’ cells to something even bigger?’


His analogy of a cell being similar to a human forced me to get engaged.


The first time I got curious about neuroscience was when I went for my morning walks.

There is a portion of my walk where I had to cross a bunch of grass to get to the other end of the sidewalk.

Initially, when I walked across the grass, I saw grass.


As I kept walking on the grass each morning, I saw my footprints on the grass.


After 3 years passed, I just see a path.

Nowadays, people who walk on that path will think that path was always a path.


But it wasn’t.


It was once grass.

Then it became my footsteps.

Then it became a path.


That’s how we learn too.


Initially, we don’t have the neural pathways set up in the brain.

But the more we walk on the grass (practice something) the more the grass turns into footprints (neural pathways in the making).

After walking enough times (practicing) there is a new path (a new skill that is conditioned into our existence)!


Analogies are the language of the subconscious mind and allow us to understand the general principles.


In addition to that, we want to be enthusiastic about the topic.

Enthusiasm will happen the more we learn and teach the topic.

Once we see our teachings change one person’s life for the best, we will want to change another life for the best!


I see a lot of people on the internet who genuinely want to teach others.

They are met with the question of:

‘If you’re so successful, how come you don’t just keep the information to yourself? How come you’re teaching others about it?


Because teaching others is fulfilling.


The more you transform lives, the more you become enthusiastic about the topic.

The enthusiasm seeps through your voice.

And your tonality improves.


A mix of understandable analogies and a melodic tone is how you turn a boring topic into a riveting one.


– ArmaniTalks 🎙️🔥

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