Evolving Out of the Victim Mindset


It feels like victimhood is on the rise.

How so?

Better yet, why so?


Look around you…

Information technology is richer than ever.

Books & high-value content are cheaper than ever..

And there are more services that make life easier…


So what’s the issue?

A human’s personal narrative.


You can fix the outside world with the latest gadgets and technology.

But you can’t easily fix a human’s personal narrative.

‘Why not?’

Because that’s a choice on their end.


Can’t help someone who doesn’t find anything worth fixing.


However, if the victim mindset is on the rise, then it’s important to understand that victors are becoming rarer.

If you consider yourself a victor, it’s not correct to scoff at a victim.


A better strategy is to learn their mindset.

Understand how to communicate with them if you come across them.


And if you consider yourself a victim, it’s time to understand why you move the way you do.

And if you have no clue what is a victor & what is a victim, then continue to read on.


Victor Mindset vs Victim Mindset


‘So what’s the difference between the 2 groups bro?’

I can explain it in 2 sentences.


-Victims undermine what they can control & amplify what they can’t.

-Victors undermine what they can’t control & amplify what they can.

This is the core difference.


‘How did the 2 groups become so different?’

Due to a decision.


Our childhood indicates that we are wired to be victims.

We come onto this planet crying & whining when we don’t get things our way.

Rarely do we show accountability at a young age.


To graduate to victor status, it needs to come down to a decision.


And that’s what all victors have in common.

They made that decision.

‘How do they demonstrate that decision?’

Thru acts.


Victors consciously practice acts like gratitude, skill-building, lifelong learning, etc.

Victims subconsciously practice acts like whining, finger-pointing & entertaining toxic people to reinforce limiting beliefs.


Can a Victim Evolve?


Charles Darwin talked about the survival of the fittest.

That’s his understanding of evolution.


Well, it looks like Charle’s Darwin’s view on evolution is evolving in itself.

We are no longer just a world of survival of the fittest.

We are now a world of survival of the smartest.


Our world is becoming more and more MIND focused.

Especially in the information age.

Yet, very few people are on time for this party.


Victims have to evolve because this is a world of fast-paced change.

The victim mindset may have worked in the industrial age without much repercussions… but it’ll be a different story in the upcoming ages.


‘Why do you say that?’

Because in the industrial age, a lot of jobs were capable of requiring minimal cognitive effort once learned.

You could bitch and moan as much as you wanted.

As long as you executed the repetitive task, the owners were happy.



You bitch & moan too much, then owners & smart entrepreneurs will replace you with code.


If there can be procedures made for a job, it may be automated down the line.

Therefore, victims need to evolve.

We are transitioning into the era of creativity & the survival of the smartest.

At a faster pace than imaginable.


How Does a Victim Mindset Evolve?


Mindsets are malleable.

The mind & our nervous system are joined to the hip.


New research is coming out showing that the brain has plasticity (neuroscience), deliberate practice can rewire our nervous system, & repetition changes our reticular activating system.


But all these studies don’t mean shit without one big concept.

‘And what is that?’



It’s impossible to shift a behavior without accountability.

Accountability is defined as taking responsibility for one’s thoughts, emotions & behavior.

And this transition is something that is worked up to.

Therefore, accountability is a PROCESS.


Accountability is like love.


Let me explain…


Let’s say I give you a puppy and tell you to love this puppy…RIGHT NOW.

You will try to… but will not feel anything.

In order to love this puppy, you need some time.


The love will emerge when a certain process takes place.


Let’s say you take the puppy under your roof.

The puppy comes to your bed when you are about to sleep, showing human behaviors.

Let’s say you’re sad one day, and the puppy comes to comfort you….

Slowly, you are seeing the puppy from a different angle, warming you up to this animal.


All these acts of being exposed to the puppy BUILDS loves.


Similarly, accountability isn’t something that you just do overnight.

It’s a decision that you make…and now you work towards it over time.


How Does One Take Accountability?


So now we understand that accountability comes down to taking control of our internal world.

The question is, how do we do it?


It’s a game of starting to feed the right narratives to our minds.

I’ve never seen someone empower their mind by inputting junk into it.


That means detoxing losers & idiots from social media & real life, who just whine all day.

Turn down the garbage on mainstream media.

And start consuming more empowering content.


That’s not to say you shut yourself off from the world & what’s going on.

Just understand that there’s no such thing as a clean 50/50 split in the real world.


It’s always ONE side dominating, while we are aware of another side.

Which side do you want to dominate?

The light or dark?

That’s the choice.


The next part is to focus on what you can control & undermine what you can’t.

This builds momentum in changing the personal narrative.


The mind of victimhood is the exact opposite.

This tendency of victims to get caught up on what they can’t control has them running their mouth a lot and finger-pointing.

But little is getting done.


Making a difference comes down to priming the mind to focus on what it can control.

This is different for different people in context to their life.


These 2 decisions are how accountability is slowly built.

1. Consume empowering content & detox the negativity.

2. Focus on what is controllable, and undermine what isn’t controllable.


These 2 acts will start a tsunami & start rewiring the mind.

Especially in the era that we are headed towards.

Evolution doesn’t discriminate.


The Top 3%


The masses, unfortunately, perpetuate mainly negative news.

And making a transition from victim to victor will not come without conflict.

Especially if most friends are forcing their personal narratives on you.


However, this is the first challenge towards the life of a victor.

It’s time to take the steps to go past the narratives that have been formed from generalized cultures.


To control large masses of humans, media & figures of power give them the illusion that they are powerless.

They feed them the wrong knowledge.


‘Why would figures of power intentionally create victims?’

Because the victim mindset is easy to profit from & easier to control.

Victims fuel the consumerism culture.


Only 3% will break out.

But hey, better 3% than 0%.


This is the best era to be a victor.

One who is able to capitalize on the opportunities that are all around us.


Change the personal narrative.

Change personal behaviors.

Call that magic.


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– ArmaniTalks 🎙️🔥


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