Essay vs Short Story: What’s The Difference??

Essay vs Short Story: What’s The Difference??


Even if 2 phrases remind you of each other doesn’t mean they are the same.

What better way to showcase this than by spotting the difference between an essay vs short story?


Do they seem the same?

I always thought they were the same


However, the purpose they are being written with is different.

You should know this if you are trying to add content creation to your arsenal.


Start off with your strengths and then work on your areas of improvement later.


In this article, you’ll learn the difference between an essay vs short story.

Also, you’ll learn which one you should start off with depending on your personality.

But wait, there’s more!

You will also learn a unique method of combining the 2 writing forms.

Time to take our content creation game to a whole new level.


Difference Between Essay vs Short Story


An essay is often trying to make a logical case for something.

A short story is normally trying to tell a narrative of some sort.


Let’s go through an example:


If you think it’s logically better for entrepreneurs to get a cat rather than a dog, then you may write an essay explaining your position.

  • Maybe cats are less maintenance.
  • Their food is cheaper.
  • They don’t wake you up at night.



You write an essay making logical points in simple language.

The essay should allow the reader to understand your rationale.


While a short story may be about the time when you got a dog & traded it in for a cat.

For this short story, logic takes a back burner.

While the anecdote takes the front seat.


With an essay, logic is often the leader.

With a short story, emotions are often the leader.


Essay vs Short Story: Which One is Right for You?


‘So, which one should I write between an essay vs short story?’

That depends on what you are trying to improve.


If you are looking to add content creation for work, then essays may be the way to go.

Especially if you are writing emails a lot.

When you write emails, it’s pretty much a series of logical points.


On the other hand, if you’re trying to write a fantasy book in the future, short stories are a great way to exercise your storytelling muscle.

Because what is fiction?

It’s just a collection of stories!


‘Hm…Armani, I want to write essays and short stories.

Well, my friend, that too is possible.


The Art & Science of Edutainment


Edutainment is a combination of:

  • Education
  • Entertainment


The education part is the logic portion.

The entertainment part is the emotional portion.


‘Are you saying I can combine the 2?’

Yes, you can!


This is where you should write essays and short stories together.

‘How can I get started?’

Let’s say you are leading with an essay.

You want to make a logical case for something.


Well, realize that you are talking to people.

People do not always speak in logic.


Add a short story to your essay.

Bring your point to life with a real-world story that gives an example of the logic from your essay.

This will turn the essay from a 2D experience into a 3D one.


As for short stories, there are tons of ways to make a logical point.

Your narrative can be sharing a real-world truth through fictional characters.


Let’s go back to the cats vs dogs debate.

The main character of your story may be an entrepreneur who initially got a dog.

But within the story, he learns how high maintenance the dog was.

You sneak in real-world numbers of maintaining a dog.

Real-world food prices.

And much more.

Then you allow this character to reach the conclusion for themselves on why cats are better than dogs for entrepreneurs.


People love it when you are subtly teaching them.

Teaching is a lot like sales.

Everyone loves to buy, but no one likes to be sold to.

Likewise, everyone wants to learn, but no one likes to feel like they are learning.


Creative Writing Challenge


I want you to convince me why your industry is the best industry to work in.

Here are a few ground rules.


I don’t care if you hate your job.

Consider it even better if you hate your job.

This will allow you to flex your creative muscles even more.


Also, if you love your job a lot, challenge yourself to use logic.

Don’t just say:

‘My job is the best because it makes me feel warm & fuzzy inside.’


Your goal is to write at least 1 page on a Word document:

  1. Logically prove why you believe your job is the best (define best however you see fit).
  2. Sprinkle in a short story/anecdote to bring the story to life.


By doing this, you have successfully incorporated logic with emotions.

My friend, you are combining the world of essays with the world of short stories.

The 2 were meant to work together, not separate from one another.


Classes on Essay Writing and Short Story Writing


It’s great to practice.

When you practice content creation, you become the content that you created.

‘What does that even mean?’

Content is simply the articulation of concepts.

The concepts you keep writing about is the concept that you become.


It seeps into your mindset.

Alters your behavior.

And your altered behavior impacts other people.


This is why I always find it strange when people are using their social media to whine.

Buddy, you got a free tool to change who you are and you choose to be negative?

Couldn’t be me.


An essay vs short story is different.

But learn to teeter in the middle ground territory by leveraging both worlds.


Are you interested in learning more?

If so, I made a class on essay writing & short story writing on Skillshare.


Be sure to check them out for more information!

Good luck and level up your content creation game





– ArmaniTalks 🎙️🔥

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