Conquer the Anxiety of Your First Toastmasters Meeting
The following post is from Tough Love: 101 Short Stories, Essays, and Insights to Improve Communication Skills
A large reason someone who wants to go to Toastmasters but finds themselves unable to is because of labeling.
Toastmasters has the label of ‘a public speaking club.’
This label is a problem to someone who has speech anxiety.
When they envision that label in their perception, it makes unpleasant emotions.
In addition to the unpleasant emotions, there is this image that the meeting is going to be very GRAND.
As if a public speaking club can only have 100s & 100s of people.
This label causes a lot of people to quit even before they start.
I was a recruitment chair for Toastmasters in Virginia & Florida.
During that time, I heard the label of ‘public speaking club’ being the reason why many postponed checking out a meeting.
They got nervous.
2 different states.
Similar issues.
That’s when I was reminded that I was once in the same boat.
Subconsciously, I feared going to a ‘public speaking club.’
The words were more than just words.
Could not explain it back then.
So, if the label plays a big role, how about we phrase it in a different way?
Rather than calling it a:
- ‘Public speaking club’.
We refer to it as a:
- ‘Social skills club that happens to do public speaking.’
In this new context, the label creates a different FEELING within.
Because the phrase ‘social skills’ doesn’t sound as GRAND as ‘public speaking’ to the subconscious mind.
Viewing Toastmasters as a ‘social skills club which happens to do public speaking’ allows you to kill 2 birds with 1 stone.
-You network with other members.
-And feel more encouraged to participate in meetings.
One thing I noticed with these meetings is that people from all professions join.
Lawyers, doctors, entrepreneurs and more.
In terms of networking, there are plenty of opportunities to form social bonds.
When you go in with the perception that it’s a social club, you feel more compelled to interact with others.
During these bouts of interaction, there is a shared understanding.
At some point in the conversation, the question, ‘What made you come to a Toastmasters meeting?’ may be asked.
This question builds a bridge.
It allows you to see that most people who are entering the Toastmasters meetings are trying to improve their communication in SOME way.
This bridge is what builds a connection & fast tracks familiarity.
With this renewed feeling, the meeting is met with an abundance mindset, not a scarcity mindset.
A scarcity mindset has you operating with fear & thinking everyone is against you.
While on the flipside, abundance mindset allows you to feel one with the group.
Because in many ways, you are one with the group.
The shared desire to improve communication is what unites everyone that steps foot in the meeting.
So, if you are someone who just moved to a new location & doesn’t know anyone…
And a part of you wants to meet people & become better with words.
Go to Toastmasters.
The social skills club that just happens to have public speaking as well…
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