Build Skills to Shatter Negative Self Talk

Build Skills to Shatter Negative Self Talk

The following chapter is from Level Up Mentality

‘Why do I have so much negative self-talk?’

Because you sit idle too much, thinking.


Our brains are naturally predisposed to focus on the negatives for survival reasons.

But you can change that by getting out of your head & working towards something.

Action is king.


Action will also lead you to changing your thoughts.

You ever heard the term:

-Practice until you can do it.




That’s wrong.

It’s actually:

-Practice until you become it.


‘Become what I practice?’

Yep! If you think about it, driving is an example.


Driving is a part of your existence at this point.

You can drive without thinking like you can breathe without thinking.


Your neural pathways for driving have strengthened & it gets stronger each time you get behind the wheel.

And this is the exact reason why action is so important!

You change your way of existence.


Skill Building = Confidence Building


Anytime you build a skill, you have structured new neural pathways.

Neural pathways are a huge factor for your thoughts as well.

You know how your mind defaults to negative thoughts & emotions now?


That changes when you add a skill.

A lot of your thoughts will default to your new skill.


I had a friend who used to be extremely negative.

But then he got into Shopify, worked on the skill of sales & soon became a pro.


Nowadays, he sees sales opportunities everywhere!

His brain transformed from defaulting to negative thoughts to thoughts about sales.



Because he added new neural pathways which led to new thoughts.


Bottom line:

  • You need to get your ass moving & find something to lock into.


It can be a new business, public speaking, learning to sing, etc.

And keep practicing it until you become it!

Soon, the negative self-talk & negative emotions will take a back seat & your life will change to fuel your new skill.


Invest at least 3-6 months to a goal, or don’t even bother.


The first few weeks feels like a drag.

And it seems frustrating because this when you are the most motivated.

But you need to push thru it.


‘How long should I practice?’

Until the conscious becomes subconscious.


‘Is the bridge between a conscious act & a subconscious act, practice?’



The main reason humans do not see the fruits of their labor is because they do not practice long enough.


You see, many have a problem with rushing.

They want to pick up a new skill set, but don’t want to put in the proper work.

The reason they don’t put in the proper work is because they aren’t quite sure how to learn.


Learning a skillset is a 4-part process.


Stages of Learning:


  1. Unconscious Incompetence
  1. Conscious Incompetence
  1. Conscious Competence
  1. Unconscious Competence


The reason people quit so soon is because they try to skip steps in the stages of learning.

But patience!

Go thru the process in ORDER & your time will come.

Let’s go thru the 4 levels of practice to make a thinking act an autopilot one.


Level 1 – Unconscious Incompetence


At this stage, you are completely unaware.

You are messing up nonstop, but you don’t even know where.

You can’t tell the difference between doing it correctly & incorrectly.


Level 2Conscious Incompetence


You continue to practice & now you’re starting to see some patterns.

You are still messing up a lot, but at least you can spot out where.

You are now aware of the task at hand.


Level 3 – Conscious Competence


After identifying the patterns & fixing it, you continue to practice some more.

At this stage, you can do the task!

However, there is a catch.

You have to think A LOT.


You start wondering if this is how the entire process is going to be.

You begin wondering if you are always going to have to think so much when executing.

But don’t give up yet, there is still one more level.


Level 4 – Unconscious Competence


After showing grit & perseverance, you have finally reached level 4.

You are now able to do the task on autopilot.

You have solidified neural pathways for the task & it is now a part of your existence.


By going thru the entire stages of learning you can turn a learned act into an instinct.

In your level up journey, you need to learn skill/s to reach your north star, so effective practicing is a must.


Now you know how to practice like a champ.

Find the skillset that you want to master & take care of business!


Any skill will be extremely difficult before it is extremely easy.

Get it?


You can pretty much learn anything.


You just need to show work ethic, consistency & perseverance.

Do that & the world is yours.


Get the Level Up Mentality Here:



– ArmaniTalks 🎙️🔥

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Armani Talks: Level Up Mentality : A Guide to Re-engineer your Mindset for Confidence - Book By Armani Talks


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