8 STUNNING Traits of Creative People

8 STUNNING Traits of Creative People


Creative people are often viewed as crazy by the less creative.

They are seen as outlandish and strange.


The reason for this is because the creative person is a few years (to a few generations) ahead of their time.

They are solving big problems, innovating, and laying down the foundations for the future.


In order to spot creative people, it’s smart to notice their traits.


Who knows?

You may be highly creative yourself!


Some of the traits in this blog are not going to be politically correct.

Oh well…

Not being politically correct may be one of the traits of a creative person.


Only one way to find out.

Read this blog all the way through…


1. They May Have a Temper


In an ideal world, all creative geniuses are calm and composed.

However, the real world doesn’t always work like that.


A lot of creative geniuses have this image/story in their mind’s eye.

They are trying to bring that vision to reality.

They have an urgency to bring this idea to reality.


Therefore, they expect that same urgency and attention to detail from their peers.

Walt Disney was a notorious hothead.

As was Steve Jobs.

As were a lot of entrepreneurs who were living ahead of their time.


They may have calmed down towards later stages.

But I challenge you to find a creative genius who didn’t ruffle some feathers in the past.


2. Are Okay With Being Alone


From my experience, a lot of the greatest ideas come alone.

I often hear the opposite.

Where others are talking ideas through, challenging each other, and debating.

I do think there is a time and place for that.

Conversations and sounding boards are fascinating ways to brainstorm.


However, a supremely creative soul doesn’t need others.

Often, they just need themselves.

Creativity is born from inspiration.

The key word in inspiration is IN.

Something from within is unlocked that makes magic happen.


creative people traits


3. Are Control Freaks


A supremely creative individual often wants control.

And a lot of it.


‘Does that mean they don’t delegate?’

They delegate. Especially as they scale.


But look closely at the work they delegate.

You’ll see that the creative person is often overlooking the work.

Even if they don’t make it well known.


One great example of this is Vince McMahon.

Not only is he the CEO who is responsible for big picture thinking.

He also notices the tiny font styles of his WWE magazines.

Tons of creative individuals imagine an ideal world where they own the ENTIRE supply chain.


4. Have Few Friends


I think it’s smart to have few friends and a lot of acquaintances.

Little friends lead to quality and a lot of acquaintances lead to impact.


Creative people can relate to a few.

That’s because most people are consumers, not consumers and creators.


Sure, the creative person can still connect with others when needed.

A lot of them are charming.


But for them, their work serves as a big part of their life.

Plenty of creative people view their work as their friend/s!

Tiny content pieces which have a story and personality just like humans.


5. Highly Curious


Curiosity is something that everyone is born with.

However, many people have their curiosity dimmed over time.

The dimming leads to taking orders without asking any questions or acting like a know it all.


A creative person is an enigma.

They are smart and dumb.


They are smart because they accumulated a variety of knowledge from multiple fields to build insights on autopilot.

And they are dumb because despite knowing so much, they still think they don’t know anything.


Stupid people act like they know everything.

Smart people act like they have yet to know anything.


6. Doesn’t Like Authority


Every leader once needed to be a follower.

However, a creative person does not have the personality type to blindly be told what to do.

If they are told to do something, they want to know why.


Simply being told to do a certain task because they “have to” or “because it’s always been like this” will not cut it.

Using too much authority on a creative person is not wise.

The creative person may become a hot head or disengage when the environment is too restrictive.


7. Doesn’t Follow the Herd


Nowadays, there is a lot of talk about market research and knowing the audience.

The traditional way to create content is to see what everyone is already consuming, then create content on that.


Creative people don’t follow a market.

They create a market.


They are different and don’t care if an army of people are going one way.

The creative person will do what they need to do.


That does not mean they will be a contrarian for the sake of being a contrarian.

Rather, they have deep knowledge of the field they are occupying.

Therefore, they aren’t going to budge so easily.


8. Prolific



The whole quality vs quantity debate is a useless debate.

Ask yourself this question:

  • How does anyone get better at anything?

‘Uh… practice?’



Quantity is another phrase for practice.

Quantity eventually leads to quality.


Practice allows the creative person to see:

  • What works.
  • What doesn’t work.

Then they will carry on from those 2 data points.


Once they make their work public, the world sees quality.

But they don’t see the reps of quantity behind the scenes.


Spotting Creative People’s Traits


There is a bonus trait…

  • Creative people can learn from anyone, they don’t only place importance on credentials.


A truly creative person learns from the universe.

A 5-year-old who knows how to play the piano well can teach them just as much as a Harvard professor.


Do some of these creative people traits resonate with you?

If so, who knows… you may have a creative genius within you.


Do you think the traits described in this blog perfectly characterize someone you know?

If so, then be sure to share this blog post!

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