10 Signs of Toxic People to Beware Of

10 Signs of Toxic People to Beware Of


Humans can be social assets.

Humans can be social liabilities.


A social asset is a human that empowers you in some way.

  • You may share a friendship with them.
  • They make you happy.
  • You feel understood.
  • Or there may be a business bond.


Whatever the case is, the ultimate feeling is SYNERGY.

The sum of the parts is greater than the isolated parts.


However, a social liability is a toxic person.

This is the group of people that leave you feeling drained.

The sum of the parts is lesser than the isolated parts.


And it’s sad because these people can sneak up on you.

A lot of people stay close to toxic people because they are UNAWARE that the human is toxic in the first place!


Very sad predicament to be in.

And you’ll typically notice that a toxic person brings down the empowering force, rather than the other way around.


Be selfish with your time.

If someone doesn’t respect it, then distance or cut them off altogether.


Today, I am going to share 10 common signs of toxic people.

Stay on the lookout.


If you are someone who is leveling up, you’ll find out that there is an abundance of humans who are a draining force.

Scope them out.

10 signs to rule them all…


toxic people signs


1. They are a Mooch


You ever met someone who only hits you up when they need something?

And when they do, they are very friendly.


When they hit you up, they create small talk to paint the illusion that they care.

You guys speak & pick up where you all left off.

Then they ask for the favor.


Favors are fine every now and then.

But some toxic people use favors to sneak more time & attention.

It wouldn’t be much of a problem if they would reciprocate from time to time.


But a mooch is a mooch.

The best way to spot them?

They take WAY more than they give.

And in a lot of situations, they don’t give at all.


2. Liar liar pants on fire


Lying is a tricky situation to evaluate.

What is considered a lie to one person may be considered true to someone else.

‘Huh? I don’t get what you mean.’


You ever met that person who told you the ‘truth’ but not really?

‘Still don’t know what you mean.’

These are the people who strategically leave parts of the story out.


Say that your parents give you a curfew at 10 pm.

And you’re not allowed to step outside the door anytime after that.


Well, what if you climb out the window?

Your parents never said anything about the window.


Although you know what your parents meant, you warped the words around.

And if they asked you if you broke the curfew…

Technically, you can say ‘not by their standards.’


But in reality, we know it was a lie.


This group of toxic people knows how to leave out information or warp information to give off the ILLUSION of the truth.

Or sometimes, they just blatantly lie.


3. The Negative Nancy


If you’re a negative person, then you may find the Negative Nancy to be quite pleasant.

You 2 can just endlessly whine away.


However, if you are someone who considers yourself a person of improvement, then negativity eventually takes its toll.

It doesn’t feel like an impact at first.


But over time, it gets draining.

The human has to poke holes in everything.

Hang with them too long & it’s easy to feel tired.


The truth is that the world has a lot of negative people.

We can’t always avoid them.

So if you can’t avoid them, then just use them as a workout to build a thick skin.


4. The Bully


A bully is defined as:

A person who habitually seeks to harm or intimidate those whom they percieve as vulnerable.


The bully can strike via physical and/or verbal force.

And look at the definition again.

You’ll notice the world ‘habitually.’


Yes, its the habit of the bully to put others down.

Just because they aren’t doing it with you in the present moment does not mean they won’t do it later on.


This group of people also lack social intelligence.

If you introduce them to a group of people, then they may just spend time making fun of you in front of others to ‘win them over.’


In reality, they aren’t winning anyone over.

Annoying creatures who are simply too unaware to grow up.

Too many toxic people signs to count.


5. The Secret Spiller


The point of a friend is having someone who you can talk to about real shit.

Stuff that you can’t talk to with an acquaintance.


‘I thought an acquaintance and a friend were the same?”



An acquaintance is someone who you are formal with.

A friend is someone who you are informal with.


You need both in order to develop a social circle.


However, when you have a ‘friend’ that is always spilling your secrets, that causes you to be hesitant around them.

The hesitancy reduces the energy force around y’all.


This group may spill the secret by accident.

Or they may be a snake in disguise.


When they spill a secret by accident, it shows a lack of judgment.

When they spill the secret on purpose, it shows they thrive off drama.


It’s hard cutting off a friend because we feel like they ‘get us.’

Unfortunately, this ‘friend’ is a snake.

A fake friend to the core.


6. The Incessant Angry Drunk


Drunken, Drunk, Alcohol, Hazard, Warning, Danger


I had this friend in college who was dope.

Great guy that was super social.


But over time, I noticed he would always get drunk in social situations.

Occasionally, it’s whatever.

But it started to become a habit.


There are 2 kinds of drunk people.

  • The person who gets happier and chill.
  • The person who gets furious and dramatic.


Let’s just say that this friend was in the latter boat.


Remember this…

  • Alcohol doesn’t make you do something you’d never do.
  • It makes it easier to do things you always wanted to do.


If someone is always getting angry when they are drunk, you need to watch out.


7. The Habitiual Gossiper


As you start leveling up, you’ll notice your mind evolving as well.

When you partake in productive actions for long enough, your neural pathways begin rewiring for the best.

This causes your conversation topics to evolve as well.


Unfortunately, the masses aren’t leveling up like you.

They are going to be talking about the same shit they have been talking about for ages.

And that is…




Yep, most people only know how to gossip.

I’m not saying you can’t ever do it.

Sometimes, you may bring up others to make a point.


But when that’s all you can talk about, there is a huge issue.


When you get near someone who loses all energy when you aren’t gossiping, that’ll get draining real quick.



8. The Ego Maniac


You ever met that one person who always had to be right?

Or they always had to be the person that broke the news.


If you try telling a story to these people, they’ll find a way to make it about them.

And it gets annoying after some time.


They don’t mean harm all the time though.

They are unaware.


However, when you are telling a story, you’ll typically be able to tell from their eyes that they are not paying attention.

Instead, they are seeing how your story relates to them.

Once they find the relation, they will cut you off real quick & make the story about them.


This has you feeling unheard.

And after a while, the resentment can grow.


9. The Debator


Some people like debating.

If you’re one of those people, then have at it.


But I can assure you that many don’t find the act appealing.

At times, it’s fine.

But over time? It gets annoying.


Debating is sometimes necessary to stick up for what you believe in and make some points.

But other times, it becomes too much.


A big part of social intelligence is knowing when to keep your opinions to yourself.

It shows maturity when you are willing to understand someone else’s perspective rather than just trying to verbalize yours all the time.

This group needs to learn the art of falling back.


10. Overly Competitive


A friendly competition is fun at times.

It can bring out the best in you.


But when someone is TOO competitive, the act becomes draining.

It’s hard to be around someone who is always looking to one-up you.


This group can also turn into snakes very quickly.

Because once you win in life or are surpassing them in a certain act, they get resentful.


Snake, Reptile, Danger, Wild, Viper, Serpent, Predator


Rather than being happy for you, they feel like you took something from them.

Overly competitive people are operating with a fear-based & scarcity mindset.


It’s hard to teach them anything about abundance.


Signs of Toxic People to Keep You Aware


I’m sure you recognize some of these traits in others.

I’m sure you recognize some of these traits in yourself.


One of the biggest signs of growing up is realizing that you were toxic in many of your relationships.

Only toxic people can’t ever admit when they were wrong.


Ask yourself, which of these signs resonated with you?


Toxicity is death by a 1000 cuts.

You don’t notice it at first.


It’s a little energy going out one day.

Then some more energy the next day.

The process repeats.

And eventually, you get to a point when you are losing your zest for life.


The signs of toxic people speak right to your subconscious mind.

Stay aware.


Humans love familiarity.

But when that familiarity is turning toxic, that’s when you need to show the person the door.

It’s a tough decision.


But no one said the level up journey was going to be an easy one.

Look out for yourself & bring the winners in.


For more practical social skills insights, subscribe to my free daily newsletter.


– ArmaniTalks 🎙️🔥



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